Schoolyard Hijinks

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Morning sun streaming through the window roused Peter from his sleep. Stirring, Peter sat up, and immediately wished he hadn't. Head pounding and mouth dry from his hangover the young hero looked around, temporarily not recognising his surroundings. Peter was suddenly aware he was naked. He wasn't the only one. Lying next to him was an older woman in the same state of undress. Mrs. Stark!

The events of last night came rushing back to Peter. He'd slept with Iron Man's wife! Panicking, the teen quickly threw on his clothes, all the while wondering what he was going to do. Despite his concerns Peter couldn't help but admire Pepper's body not to mention her skills in bed. Whilst dwelling on those latter memories Parker felt himself starting to get erect. To stop himself from walking around with a hard-on, the teen ducked out of the room and into the guest bedroom he was supposed to have slept in.

"Hi Peter". The hero whirled around, startled by the voice. Sat at the table was a small brown haired girl, waving cheerily at the teen. Relaxing slightly, Peter smiled at the girl "Hey Morgan, how long have you been up?" he asked. A shrug was his only answer. "Well how about I make us some breakfast?" asked Peter and was given his response in the form of an enthusiastic nod. Peter reached into the fridge and began gathering breakfast things.

Soon the two were eating away happily. "So did you and Mommy have fun last night?" asked Morgan. Peter almost choked on his drink. "W-what do you mean?" the teen ventured, "I heard you talking after Mommy came in" said Morgan. With a mental sigh of relief Peter answered "Uh yeah we talked for a bit and uh got to know each other". Seemingly satisfied with this, the Stark girl went back to her breakfast.

A few minutes later Morgan lifted her head again for another question, "I heard Mommy say something about a game. Did you play doctor?" she asked. Before Parker could respond the little girl elaborated, "One of Daddy's friends was a doctor before he was a magician and he gave me some of his old doctor stuff to play with".

Peter gave another mental sigh before a though occurred to him. "Um Morgan... did you hear anything... else last night?" Peter cautiously asked, dreading the answer. "No. Nothing else, I fell asleep" replied Morgan with another shrug, "But I did see you coming out of Mommy's bedroom this morning". Peter racked his brain trying to come up with an excuse. "Did you have a nightmare?" asked the girl sympathetically "When I have nightmares Mommy sometimes lets me sleep in her bed". 

Parker took the opportunity he'd been presented. "Yeah I did but don't tell anyone okay? It'll be our secret" said Peter, putting his finger to his lips as Morgan did the same.

A little later Pepper's bedroom door opened and the woman stepped out. "Morning Mommy" greeted Morgan "Morning Sweetie" smiled her mother. When her eyes met Peter's Pepper's smile faded slightly. "Morgan, Sweetie would you mind leaving, Peter and I have grown-up things to talk about" said the redhead. "But Peter isn't a grown-up" the girl pointed out. "Morgan..." said Pepper reproachfully, causing her daughter to go.

After Morgan had left Pepper sighed and pinched her nose "Look Peter, as much as I don't want to we need to talk about last night". Even fully expecting the conversation didn't make it any less awkward for Parker. "Mrs. Stark," he ventured (it felt wrong to call her Pepper after what happened) "I'm sorry it was my fault I was drunk and.." Before he could continue the teen was cut off by a raised hand "Don't," said Pepper "If anyone's to blame it's me. I encouraged you to drink and if anything I was drunker than you were". An uncomfortable silence hung in the air. Eventually the young hero broke it "So what happens now?" he asked. Sighing again Mrs Stark replied; "I don't know but let's just agree it was a mistake and not talk about it anymore."

The rest of the weekend passed slowly and as it went along two suspicions formed in Spider-Man's mind. The first was that he'd never be able to look at Mrs. Stark again without remembering that night. The other was that something was going on with his powers, as despite her best efforts Peter could see the lust in Mrs. Stark's eyes whenever she was near to him.

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