When the Cat's Away

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The next exciting chapter (of Peter Parker's life) started with a letter read out at school assembly by Principal Morita "Dear Midtown School of Science and Technology of New York. You have been accepted into the very first student exchange program with the kingdom of Wakanda. Any students interested must write an application and submit it before April 5th. Travel expenses apply but local currency will be provided after arrival. The program will feature subjects traditional to Wakanda and the students will expected to answer questions about their home country."

At this announcement a swell of excited chatter filled the hall. Sat in between his best friend and his kinda-sorta girlfriend, Peter was already planning his application. "Oh man it'd be so awesome to go there" enthused Ned Leeds, "Just imagine what the technology must be like there" said Peter just as eagerly. Even Michelle Jones, in her own taciturn way, was excited at the prospect. The students' thoughts ranged from "Maybe I'll be able to take some Vibranium home", "How much sunblock should I take?" and "Sweet a chance to score with some African babes".

A few weeks later the results were announced "Congratulations to the following students who's applications have been accepted; Avril: Sally, Brant: Elizabeth, Carpenter: Julia, Drake: Robert..." Peter (along with most of the other students) waited eagerly to see if he'd been selected. As the list went along Peter's began to become slightly anxious. "Jones: Angelica, Morales: Miles and Parker: Peter...". With a rush of excitement Peter realised he was going to Wakanda! Suddenly Parker realised that neither Ned or MJ's names had been called. Peter turned to them "It sucks you're not coming too" said the brunette. Trying to hide their disappointment in their own ways MJ simply shrugged whilst Ned tried to keep positive "Maybe next time" he said.

The instant Peter got home he started preparing for the journey. When Parker wasn't packing he was reading up on as much about Wakanda he could find. "The Golden Tribe of Wakanda, also known as Panther Tribe, have reigned in a unbroken line for over 1,000,000 years" read May over her nephew's shoulder. "You're really looking forward to going huh champ?" Said the woman. "Totally it's gonna be amazing" replied the teen "Just wish Ned and MJ were going too". May nodded understandingly, "Well maybe get them something nice to make it up to them. Get me something too whilst you're at it, perhaps that handsome king of theirs" Said the brunette woman coyly. "May!" said Peter, somewhat aghast whilst his aunt just laughed.

Soon the day of departure arrived. After getting on the plane Peter started adjusting the camera Aunt May had given him to record his experience. The camera had belonged to Uncle Ben so Peter was being extra careful with it. "Cool camera" said a voice from the aisle. A boy about Peter's age with reddish brown hair had sat next to him with a smile on his face. "Uh thanks. Hi, I'm Peter Parker" said the brunette, offering his hand "Harry Osborn" the auburn haired boy replied taking the proffered hand. The name came as a shock to Peter "Osborn? Like Norman Osborn of Oscorp?" he asked. "Yep that's my dad".

On the flight the boys quickly became friends with Harry also introducing Peter to a couple of his schoolmates; Sam Alexander and Ava Ayala. Mostly the boys talked about Wakanda. "I heard that the children there ride on hover-bikes" said Osborn. "Cool" replied Spidey "I read that the same royal family has ruled since the country was founded and that king and the princess took part in the fight with Thanos". "Wow" said Harry, impressed, "Wonder if we'll see them".

As the plane landed the students piled onto a coach which took them along until it stopped outside what appeared to be thick forest. After a few minutes a crackling blue light appeared and the image of the forest peeled back, revealing a vast techno-rustic city.

After getting off the coach the group were greeting by a tall old man with a flattop and thick moustache. "Hello and wamkelekile students, I am B'Tumba and I will be your guide". "Does anyone have any questions?" Several hands went up. "You" said the guide pointing to one of the boys near the back "Did you take part in the battle here?" he asked. "No child" replied the Wakanda, shaking his head, "I'm not a soldier just a civilian, but I did see some of it". Addressing the group B'Tumba said "The site has become a historic battlefield, and you're welcome to visit it if you wish to, but be careful". Another student, Ava, raised their hand and asked "Is there anywhere we're not allowed to go?" "Umbuzo omhle The royal palace is naturally off-limits but you are welcome anywhere else, although I would recommend not going into the mountains as they are very cold and the Jabari Tribe, who live there, don't like intruders." After a few more questions the guide took the students to their accommodation where they were informed that their lessons would begin tomorrow but today they were free to do as they liked.

Parker Luck  जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें