Mechanical Precision

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"Fuck me Peter!" A cry of ecstasy emerged from the room belonging to Spider-Man.
The noise woke Nebula, who's quarters neighboured the Webslinger's. The cyborg's first reaction was to go into battle mode at the sound of Gamora's scream. However, she quickly realised that these were good screams.
'So Gamora and Quill are together again.' thought Nebula sleepily. She was somewhat impressed that the Earthling could make her sister cry out like that. Just before she fell asleep it occurred to the Luphomoid that her room wasn't next to Gamora's, or any of the guest rooms where Quill might be. In fact, she realised, the room next door was Spider-Man's.

The blue skinned woman was somewhat taken aback by Gamora's choice but conceded that he wasn't bad looking, as far as Earthlings went.

The moans and sounds of smacking flesh grew louder next door. Nebula tried to go to back to sleep but found herself getting horny. Tossing and turning she couldn't ignore the feeling anymore and tentatively brought the organic fingers of her left hand to her sensitive pussy. It had been a very long time since the cyborg had received any stimulation. The Benatar wasn't exactly a private place so any attempts at pleasure would likely be overheard. With a muffled moan Nebula slid her fingers in and out, relishing the pleasure.

Although the lovers were doing there best to keep quiet Nebula could clearly hear their sounds of lovemaking. A twinge of jealousy went through the Luphomoid. Gamora had never had trouble attracting others whereas Nebula, having been taken off her homeworld at a young age, had never had anyone. Even as she aged and grew, the cybernetics Thanos had forced upon her dissuaded and disturbed most. Rather than dwell on that, the blue skinned woman instead focused on fingering herself. As she did so a fantasy began to form in her head, that she was the one being fucked like that.

By the time her sister and the Earthling had reached their final climaxes Nebula had already squirted several times. Drained of energy (and cum) the alien finally drifted off whilst planning how to make her fantasy a reality.

When Peter woke up the next morning he found Gamora had slipped away. Spidey hadn't really expected differently but was hoping she might've stayed for a morning session.

Deciding to do some training Parker slipped into his new red and black costume. Feeling confident, Spider-Man was taking on a large robot which was proving more of a challenge than he first thought. Flipping to avoid a metal fist the teen shouted instructions to his suit's AI. Randomly switching between webbing types was slowing the bot down but Peter still couldn't get close enough to hit it. "K.A.R.E.N, switch to Taser Webs!" he instructed. *Thiwp* *Thwip* *Zzzap*. Lines of webbing, arching with electricity, adhered to the bot and delivered a powerful electric shock.

The jolt seemed to have done the trick as the drone sank down with smoke emitting from it. Before Peter could savour his victory the metal giant rose up, ready to attack. "Aw man!"

As Peter resumed dodging the blows a booming voice called out "Good dodge Man of Spiders!" Spidey managed to glance over his shoulder at the thunderer who stood there looking amused. Although still out of shape and shaggy, Thor was an imposing figure in full battle armour and with his hammer/axe Stormbreaker in hand. "Your attempt to electrify the machine was laudable. However, this is how it's done!"

No sooner had the words left his mouth than the Asgardian raised his crackling weapon. *KKRAACKA THOOM*. A mighty bolt of lightning shot forth, blowing the robot to smithereens.

Peter could only stare in a mixture of awe and fear.

"Thor, don't you think that was overkill?" A new voice cut in.

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