Going Green

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Sam Wilson, formerly known as Falcon and now Captain America, sat polishing a large shield. Just because it was almost indestructible didn't stop it from getting dirty. Sam looked at his reflection in the star discontentedly. Being Captain America was a heavy burden and the airman still didn't feel the title, or the shield, fully belonged to him.

"Incoming transmission from The Benatar" came a disembodied voice tinged with an Irish accent. This got Sam's attention. "Put it up on the screen F.R.I.D.A.Y" ordered Wilson. The image of the thunder god then appeared, accompanied by loud 80's music. "Wilson! Good to see you again." Said the Asgardian heartily. "Hey Thor, is something up?" asked Sam. Thor quickly assured that nothing was "No, No No, I'm calling to say that the Asgardians and I will be visiting Earth for a while to rest and resupply".

"We'll be there in er..." Thor trailed off before calling to someone off screen "Rabbit how long until we get to Earth?" The response was inaudible. "What?" called the thunderer and this time a muffled voice could be faintly heard "The rabbit says we'll be there in a few days" affirmed Thor.

On the ship Gamora was troubled. She was interested in going back to Earth but lately Quill had been enthusing about showing her a place called 'Missouri' where he apparently grew up. Star-Lord sometimes forgot that she wasn't the Gamora he knew, the one that fell in love with him. The 2014 Gamora liked Quill but she felt that he was always comparing her to her other self, albeit unwillingly, which made her feel uncomfortable.

** Gamora looked out across the ravaged Xandar from a balcony. No matter how many times she had seen Thanos 'liberate' a world the destruction he wrought always horrified her. Rebuilding efforts were underway but after The Snap disintegrated half the remaining inhabitants restoration had slowed considerably. However, now that the dusted had been revived, progress was picking up again.

With the devastation of the planet and their police force most of Xandar had fallen into anarchy. To try and bring order the locals had contacted the Guardians and begged them for help. The Guardians had been making headway (having the god of thunder on their side certainly helped) and a degree of peace had been restored.

The sound of footsteps behind her made the emerald skinned woman instinctively draw her sword and hold it at the throat of her would-be attacker.

"Woah! Easy! It's just me!" burst Peter Quill, exposing his face to confirm it. Star-Lord's panicked expression then turned into a smile "You know the last time you did that we were having a moment. Music, dancing and you said I had pelvic sorcery, whatever that is." Said the redhead. Sighing Gamora sheathed her weapon "Quill that wasn't me remember? Look, maybe you and other me had something but I'm not her."

Gamora knew her words hurt Quill but his pining over her alternate self was causing issues and needed to be stopped. "I'm going to see if the others need help. Goodbye Quill." Was all the warrior woman said before she walked off.**

A hand on her shoulder snapped Gamora out of her thoughts.

"Everything alright?" Asked her adoptive sister. The change in Nebula from a ruthless killer to an empathetic hero was still jarring for Gamora. Despite that a strong bond had formed between the two. "I'm fine Nebula. Just thinking" said Gamora.

The concerned expression on the cyborg's face didn't change but she returned to her seat anyway, realising that her sister didn't want to talk.

** After the battle for Earth Gamora had snuck away, not wanting to stick around. The daughter of Thanos had managed to find a functional Necrocraft which she used to leave the planet. Gamora spent her time searching the galaxy to ensure that Thanos and his army were truly gone.

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