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On the whole Spider-Man was enjoying his stay at The Lighthouse. Not only was he learning new skills to make him a better superhero, he was also learning new skills to make him a better lover. Since arriving at The Lighthouse he'd gotten very well antiquated with Daisy Johnson and Jemma Simmons but what he didn't know was that they were just for starters.

Peter was currently having combat lessons from Elena. These lessons were particularly tough but Spidey relished the challenge. Elena was helping him test his reflexes as even with his Peter Tingle (he had got to come up with a better name for that.) he could barely react in time to even register her super speed dashes. At the same time the Latina Inhuman was helping him improve his Spanish. Concentrating Peter sounded out his words "No te preocupes, Arana Hombre esta aqui para ayudar." Blinking back into place Yo-Yo gave a smile and a nod "Good. But remember it's Hombre Arana not the other way around." Peter nodded in understanding but then felt a jolt go through him as Yo-Yo's outline blurred. For the Inhuman time seemed to slow down and she could see the young hero moving to counter as if he was going through treacle. What seemed like ages for Elena was only milliseconds for Parker and he found himself flat on his back.

With a half smile Elena helped him to his feet. Peter felt a small jolt at the cold touch of the mechanical arms, he was curious about them but Elena had given the impression that they were a sensitive subject so he didn't ask. Once he was back up Elena raised a challenging eyebrow "You ready to go again?". Peter nodded and raised his fists in preparation, unfortunately he wasn't prepared enough and once again was knocked down and helped back up "C'mon Peter atencion, you can do this." Rodriguez told him. 'She's right I can do this.' he told himself. Thinking back to London he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, letting his instincts take over. Once again Elena's outline blurred as she dashed forward. This time Peter was ready, a familiar tingle running through his body he instinctively knew when to move and grabbed Rodriguez's fist, deflecting the blow and throwing her off balance.

"I did it." said the webslinger looking at his hands in surprise. Elena, back where she was originally standing, gave the teen a smile "Bien henco Peter. Now let's see if you can do it again."

"Ready?" she asked and got a nod in return. Smiling, the Inhuman tensed again and rushed at Peter who once again prepared to counter the blow. It didn't work a second time and again he wound up sprawled on the floor. "What happened?" Rodriguez asked once Peter had gotten back up. "Guess I just got lucky?" he replied "But I really think I can do it again." The tingle alerted Peter to when to move and, in a single deft movement, grabbed Elena's arm, caught her leg with his and sent her to the mat. When they repeated the move Spidey was once more able to counter it. Over and over Spider-Man and Yo-Yo collided, sometimes the teen hero succeeded in blocking and other times he didn't.

Eventually the pair were too tired to continue. "Alright then Peter." Said Elena between breaths "How about we call it a day? I'm going for a shower. We'll continue tomorrow." The teen, who likewise wanted a shower, agreed.

Once he'd finished washing, Peter's mind began to wander, mostly lingering on his times with Daisy and Jemma which caused him to grow hard. Lost in thought Parker wasn't paying attention to where he was going and when he approached what he thought was the door to his bunk he was in for a shock.

Elena stood in her room, dripping wet and wearing only what nature gave her. The teen was frozen in surprise and just stared at her shapely form. The Colombian woman was oblivious to her watcher and hummed to herself as she dried off. Turning round her eyes fell on Spidey and she likewise froze and stared back "Oh dios mio Peter!" she cried, feeling a mix of shock and embarrassment, "Get out! Get out!" In a blur of movement she shot towards the accidental voyeur and pushed him out the door before shooting back, followed by another dash to slam the door. The world around Elena moved in slow motion, normally she enjoyed the sensation but now it only prolonged her feeling of exposure. Although Elena knew Parker couldn't see her when she ran she could still feel his eyes on her. Whilst she didn't exactly mind and secretly liked the fact that he admired her body she would've preferred it if he hadn't burst in and caught her by surprise like this. Before shutting the door on him Yo-Yo's eyes fell on a distinct tent in the young man's towel. A blush bloomed on the woman's cheeks as she stared at the covered boner.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 16 ⏰

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