Chapter 32: The Dance

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Amity's POV:

"No it's alright, I don't want you to be late for the dance so go ahead." She responded with an alright and left. I was putting on my dress when it was 5:24. I put on some make up and left the dorm by 5:46 the gym was a 7 minutes walk from the dorm. I was nearly at the gym when I had forgotten my ticket and mask on the kitchen table. I had to quickly run back as fast as I can to the dorm and grab them. After grabbing them, I rushed as fast as I can and I arrived at the gym by 6:04.

I entered the gym seeing that alot of people are with their dates. I searched for Boscha and Skara and I found them at a table near the dance floor talking. "Hey guys sorry I'm late. I left my ticket and mask at the dorm so I had to go back and get it." I exhaled. "Oh hey Ams we were just uhh- Talking about uhh- stuff?" Skara said. I was wondering why they were all acting so weird but it was probably because they were nervous for the dance. "Okay? So where is the others?" I asked. "Oh them? Uhhh- Gus is on stage and Hunter and Willow is uhhh- I have no idea."

"Okay? Well I'm grabbing some punch. I'm thirsty." I got up and walked over to the drinks table. I saw Hunter, Willow and Gus talking about something so I went over to say hi. "Hey guys looking sharp," I complimented. "Wha- what Luz I don't see Luz," Gus panicked. The 3 of them gave me a smile which was creepy. "I said hi. I don't think I mentioned Luz's name did I?" They just shook their heads. I was confused on their behavior today. "Luz isn't coming to the dance because she said she caught a cold right?" Hunter asked. "What no. She said she needed to visit her mom back home because she was sick. She didn't say she was sick."

They exchanged glances with each other like they were hiding something. "Who said she was sick?" I asked. "No one," Gus replied. "Then why did you say she didn't come because she was sick? And how did you know she isn't coming?" I asked getting impatient. They just looked at each other and ran into the crowd. I was so confused. I shrugged it off and went to grab a small snack before going back to my table. I saw King and Hooty was there helping out so I went to ask about Luz.

"Hey guys. Have you seen Luz?" I asked. "Oh she's visiting her mother isn't she?" King answered. "She is?" Hooty asked. "Well yeah. Didn't she tell you? She said if Amity asked tell she's visiting her mom because she was..." His voice getting softer then he stopped. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Hooty who was sweating. "I gotta grab more chocolate chips see ya later." He and Hooty quickly ran off and I was standing there.

I got back to my table to see all of them there and when they saw me they scattered off. I was getting ticked off so I confronted Boscha about it. I sat down and she was just smiling. "So what we gonna do?" I asked. She looked at Skara then back at me, "I don't know uhh- Skara wanna dance with me?" She grabbed Skara before she even answered and they went to the dance floor with everyone else. I was getting annoyed so I just sat there looking at everyone else who had partners.

"Care to dance?" Said a boy. I had nothing to do so I agreed. He brought me to the dance floor and we danced together for a few minutes then Bump made an announcement. "Good evening students of Hexside. I your principal would like everyone on the dance floor before we announce this years Couples Of Valentines aka the Kings or Queens of the dance." Everyone who had a partner joined on the dance floor. I was still dancing with this guy who was taller than me but I wasn't happy. I wanted to dance with her, I wanted her to be in his place.

"Alright students. Now we are going to announce the Kings or Queens of the dance and traditionally they have to dance together if you still don't know" Everyone was silent and were looking at the stage where Gus was beside Bump. "This years Queens will be." So it was only Queens this year. "Amity Blight, please come on the stage." The spotlight was pointed at me and I got up. Bump placed a crown on my head. He smiled at me and I faced the crowd where I could see everyone smiling and smirking.

"Now our next queen is Luz Noceda." I looked at Bump going to tell that she wasn't here but then the spotlight pointed to someone in the crowd. It was her, she was her. I saw her walking up the stage in her white dress. She walked to Bump who gave her a crown and everyone cheered. I saw her smiling at me but I was mad. She said she wasn't coming. Did she lie to me? How could she. If she wanted to dance with someone else she could've told me instead of lying to me.

"Students of Hexside here you have this years Queens of Valentines. She took my hand and all my anger left me. She brought me to the floor as everyone made space for us. She started the dance and I followed along as the soft music plays. We talked while we danced. "I thought you said you weren't coming? You lied to me" I asked. "I know. I didn't mean to, I had plans. Why missed me?" I just scoffed, "In your dreams Noceda. What were you even doing?" The music stopped and our face was close to each other.

"This." I felt her soft lips against mine. My eyes widened at her doing. Is this really happening? Am I dreaming? Fuck this if I'm dreaming. I kissed her back and we stayed like that for awhile. She pulled away and hugged me. When she did, I saw a sign held by our friends and some others. Amity Blight will you go out with me? I saw everyone holding a heart and flowers. She pulled me away and I smiled. "Yes, I will." I kissed her and everyone was cheering.

We pulled away and all she said was, "Crikey." I laughed a little before everyone around us came closer. We exited the crowd and went to a table. After awhile, the others came. "So you guys wanna grab food after this?" Hunter asked. I was gonna answer and then my mother and siblings came over. "That was perfect Luz." I looked at them in confusion. "Wait what do you mean perfect? You knew about this?" I asked. "Everyone knows. Even Luz she was planning this a few weeks ago. You were the oblivious one." I was so confused.

"What do you mean?"

Don't get it? Here's why:-

1. Luz called Amity pet names before she did.
2. Luz did physical touch like way before Amity did.
3. She showed signs of having a crush on Amity by flirting and caring for her when she was unwell or etc.
4. She always helped Amity and stayed for her.
5. She protected Amity when there was trouble: Nearly getting raped/she caught her when she fell from the ladder/etc.
6. The flowers she gave had meanings
- A bouquet of flowers (12 flowers) means: Be mine
- Red rose means: I love you
-Pink rose means: Grace, happiness and enthusiasm.
- Lavender rose means: Love at first sight.
7. She didn't see how Luz treated her differently with the others.
8. When Odalia and Luz joked about the marriage blessing, Odalia was helping Luz give Amity a hint.
🎉If you knew Amity was the oblivious one, then congrats for paying attention🎉. If you didn't now you know.

"Oh, I was the oblivious one but how did the others know? Did you tell them?" I asked. "Yeah, you were the last one to know." I was so dumbstruck, "So did mom know?" I asked. "Of course I did, that's why I brought you and your friends to buy clothes. I need to talk to them about it. While you were in the bathroom I told Luz to tell the plan." I was so shocked. "Then why did you hold Skara's hand? And what about you saying my mom wanted cheese?" I asked looking at Luz. "Well I was holding her hand because it was cold so I warmed it up and the cheese thing because I heard the bathroom door open meaning you came out so I decided to joke around with you." I felt like an idiot.

"Then what about the principal?" Gus came forward to me, "I asked him and he was glad to do it for you guys that's why he choose you both to help him." "So all of this you guys knew about it?" They all hummed. "So can we get a snack or what? I'm hungry," Hunter complained. We just laughed at him and we left when everyone got out me and Luz was the last one with my mother who because she wanted to talk to us about the real story. When we got up my mother said one last thing, "Oh and Mittens. If you were gonna y'know the dorm, don't forget to lock your door and don't make to much noise. Trust me."

"Mom! Wait...MOM WHAT THE HELL? DID YOU..." I looked at my dad who started laughing leaving me and my siblings shook. Luz was also laughing. "Why would you suddenly think of me doing that?" I asked. "Well..." she looked at Luz and Luz stopped laughing and looked up. "I think you should ask Luz yourself about what you said a few times in your sleep." I looked at Luz who was blushing redder than a tomato. She looked at me and became redder. "What did I say?" I asked. "Why don't you show her?" My dad asked. "Mr. Blight, I wouldn't unless she wants to." Luz replied. "Luz!" Everyone just laughed.

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