Chapter 18: We Just Came Back

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Luz's POV:

Beep Beep, Beep Beep, Beep Beep.

That noise...what is that? I opened my eyes 6:00 am. Ugh back to school. It was Thursday, 5th Of January. I should probably get up or I'll be late for school...oh shit...I haven't packed. I jumped off my bed and quickly took a bath. When I ran out of the room I saw...The Blight Twins? Wait...aren't I at home? Why am I still at Amity's?

"Morning Luz, slept well? You better hurry up or we'll be late and did you forget? We're using our uniform, silly. If your looking for it it's in my closet."

I turned to see Amity walking into the kitchen. I just stood there in confusion. I snapped back to focus and went to Amity's room to see my bag is already packed. I took my uniform out of tye closet and put it on. I went down stairs for breakfast. "Your looking sharp, Luz," Emira said as I took a seat next to Amity. "Thanks, can someone tell me why I'm here, I thought I went home?" They just laughed at me. "Well, you did after whatever you guys did in the room. Then when you left Mittens here didn't want you to go. You said you had to then aftering seeing her upset you just agreed." I was still confused, "What about my stuff?" Emira explained that I told Amity that I went home to pack my stuff and bringing it over. "Why can't I remember anything then?"

"Well...when you came back from grabbing your stuff, I was sitting by the window and I saw you coming I was going to open the door, as soon as I opened it you slipped on the ice that was around the pathway. So I guess you had a concussion. We brought you in and laid you in my room. You were knocked out for almost 2 days. Luckily, Viney took care of you." I was surprised abou what happened.

"Well it's time to go, I wanna be there early,"

"Typical Mittens."

We used my car to get to school and half way there I thought of something. "Wait...if I was knocked out, did you guys cleaned me or gave me food?" Amity just looked at me and er face was a tomato. " couldn't eat but Viney did something to make sure you don't starve but I- uh, cleaned you," I was actually surprised about that.

At school 6:57 am

We parked at the parking lot and brought our stuff to find our dorms. Me and Amity didn't have the same dorm but it was across each other. I didn't know who my roommate was and she didn't know who her's was. We just settle our stuff in our room and then we went out to chill at the cafe that was recently opened.

When we entered it was filled with seniors who are probably this year's last. We headed to the counter and ordered 2 caramel latte. These stuff are actually good. "Wait...are you girls that took the job here?" the barista asked, we nodded our head and he smiled, "Great do you guys go here?" We nodded our head again, "Great so you guys also have a dorm right?" we nodded our head again for the third time. He handed our drinks, "So can you come here on Monday, Wesnesday and Friday in the morning for the job maybe from 6:30-7:30 then in the afternoon from 3:45-6:00? We pay $300 every week." We just looked at each other, "Yeah, sure so we start tomorrow?" He nodded his head and we went to take our seat.

"So we start tomorrow huh? If I over slept kick my door down and pull me out," I joked. Amity just laughed at me, "Don't worry I will," then the gang came. "Hey guys, did you wait long?" Willow asked us, "Not really, just long enough for us to know what time were working tomorrow," I responded. "Cool, you guys got a job here?" I nodded. "We're working on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 6:30-7:30 in the morning and 3:45-6:00 in the evening," Amity continued.

They talked about what happened in the pass few days but me and Amity just kept quiet on what happened. I didn't want to say the wrong thing again like what happened last time. But we couldn't avoid it, "So what did you guys do? You guys been quiet," I was about to speak when Amity nudge my arm not to tell them, "N-nothing much, just stayed at home in my room, "I replied. "Really? When I went to your house Vee said you were out but she didn't say where you went," Gus said, "I went out to get some stuff ok?" they believed me at first then Willow spoke, "Are you sure? I went to your house because I left my scarf there but none of you guys were home." I manage to keep whatever I did at Amity's house a secret and she did to.

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