Chapter 6: December

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Amity's POV

December has come, that means snow is falling. I'm not really a fan of this season I'd prefer it to be autumn. Winter is just to cold but what can I do about it.

It was Tuesday morning. I got up to get ready for school. Emira was sending me to school since it was cold outside. I couldn't drive yet cause I don't have a license yet. I got prepared Edric and Emira was getting ready for college. Edric was taking his own car to college. On our way to school Emira was quiet until we were close to the school's enterance.

"So...your friend Luz," she started, "what about her?" I asked lokking at her, "does she like anyone?" she said still facing forward. I could feel my face heat up, "no...I don't think so...why?" but Emira just smiled. As we arrived we saw Luz on her motorcycle sitting in the parking lot. She didn't see us.

I wanted to walk up to her but Emira then called out to her, "Hey Luz!" she waved. Luz looked up and waved back. She then got up from her bike then walked over to us. "What's up?" she said placing her arm on my shoulders and my face grew red again. "Emira aren't you gonna be late for college?" I said trying to get rid of her quickly.

Look I love my siblings but I won't be able to do anything if they start embarassing me.

She then pulled Luz closer and whispered something and when they were done Luz just looked at me. "What did she say?" I said hoping it wasn't anything embarassing. All she did was smile and went to class. I just gave Emira the death stare and she drove off smirking at me. Great... whatever she told Luz must've been embarassing.

School went on but it was fun with Luz around. It was lunch, me and the gang sat to have lunch in the cafeteria. They were serving a veggie burger or pasta and yogurt. I never really liked school lunches. Luz wasn't eating so we chatted. But I still wonder what Em had told Luz because it's driving me insane. I need to know. Was it one of my secret? Was it something about my pass.

I never knew this feeling that I had around her so... I decided to talk to someone about it...Hunter. I could've talked to Willow or my siblings but I know Hunter wouldn't tell anyone about it. I could totally trust him. Right? Anyways, as lunch was over we headed back to class and since Luz was sitting beside me, I tried to focus but she was staring at me from time to time.

When I turned to face her she just quickly faced the teacher. She's acting a little strange... I just left the thought and focus on studying. And I swear she kept staring at me and when I look at her she pretends like she wasn't looking. Now I'm really curious on what my sister had told her. She is dead to me.

Time skip after school...

Luz offered me a ride home at first I declined but after getting a text from my siblings that none of them are able to pick me up I had no choice but to follow Luz home.

The rest of the drive we were just listening to music on Luz's phone that was playing songs she kept in her playlist. I never really listen to songs but this one song caught my reminded me so much about her that I started panicking when she starts talking.

You walked in
Caught my attention

She came all of the sudden and everything changed

It's the way you walk
The way you talk
The way you make me feel inside
It's in your smile
It's in your eyes

I thought about everything she does

This song just made me go ARRRRRRGGHHHH in my brain and the only thing I could think was her. What has she done to me. It's like I'm under a spell. But I needed to really we arrived I didn't want to go home. Instead I just told her, "Can I stay over at you? I wanna talk about stuff," I just said that so casually like we were bestfriends.

She just smiled and nodded. We drove to her house which was a 7 minute drive from my house but it took longer than expected because of traffic. Apperently, ther was a car crash but luckily no one was hurt. It took a long time to get home so I ended up falling asleep i  the car...

Luz' POV

Amity said she wanted to stay over at my place. The thought of her at my house was actually cool but why though? I thought about this the rest of the time while driving. We were entering my driveway when I saw Amity was sleeping. I tried to wake her up slowly but she just mumbled, "mmm...I wanna sleep," Imjust looked at her. She was...adorable when she was sleeping.

"C'mon let's get in," I said grabbing her bag from the back seat, she was so stubborn, "Y'know I'm just gonna have to carry you in if you don't wake up," I said standing outside the car. She didn't even react. I took her out of the car carrying her bridal style into the house making sure I looked the car. I also made sure not to wake up the sleepy potato head.

"You smell like lemon..." she mumbled in her sleep as I entered the house. When I was taking off my shoes and her shoes (which was very difficult) the front door opened and someone walked in. Shit! I completely forgot someone was staying over my place tonight. "Hey, Luz! Where are you?" the voice said closing the door. I quickly fan into my room to put Amity down and yet again she was clinging on. After a few minutes, I manage to get her off me.

Our Love's Only Beginning - LumityWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt