Chapter 14: The Message

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Luz's POV:

After our small stay-up-pass-New Years yesterday, everyone was so sleepy that we woke up around noon. When I woke up, I saw everyone was still sleeping Amity was on the bed, Willow and Vee in the room, Hunter and Gus in the living room. Mom was still on shift.I cleaned the mess they made last night then I made lunch since we missed breakfast.

I woke everyone up and told them to take a bath so we can have lunch. I picked up my phone to see I got a message from Hexside .


To: Students  of Hexside High.

From: Hexside High Student Council

Re: School Updates and News.

Dear Students of Hexside,

We are glad to announce that we have made some changes to our school. Most importantly is that we have provided a dormitory for students so you won't always be late and won't need to go home late. Each dorm will have 2 students each and we have provided every necessary appliances that are need such as, beds, stove, refrigerator, wifi etc.

Your dorms are allowed to be visited by students from different buildings or floors. Do not make to much noise as we do not want complaints of loud noises bothering other students. You and your roommate will both have separate rooms and room keys. There is also a small store on the ground floor for you buy your groceries it will be opened from 6:30 am - 11:30 pm.

We hope that every student will be living at the provided dorms as they are still enrolling in Hexside. Dorm keys can be collected at the office in the main hall. Students can start collecting they're keys before school reopens on the 5th January.

We also have a small gift for you students when you return.

Thank you for your time and we hope the best,

Hexside High


Dorms huh? Sounds cool. I told the others about the news but the only thing is we will be living with someone we don't know. If we're lucky enough we can get the same dorm rooms with each other or nearby atleast.

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