Chapter 15: Keys and gifts

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Luz's POV:

After reading the message we all received we ate our lunch cleaned up the house and hoped in my car to get our dorm keys.

Arriving at Hexside's campus it was full of students coming to collect their dorms keys. The office had a long line of people so we decided to explore around the campus. Even though Vee doesn't go to Hexside she still decided to follow us because she wants to enroll at Hexside once she finally gets a scholarship here. She's been studying hard for it.

We went in different group. Hunter, Willow and Gus.  Vee, Me and Amity. We headed in different direction exploring the dorms section to the laboratory and then the cafe that was newly built. They were looking for employees so the 3 of us decided to go and work there for money and maybe a little extra credit if we can and fortunately for us, we got hired. 

"Wow you guys are really cool to get enrolled here," Vee exclaimed looking at the exterior of the school. "Well I guess you could say that. Nice and good school also means more dumbasses and snobbish kids," Amity just hit me at the back of my head when I said that. "what?" but she just rolled her eyes.

After exploring the entire school we spent the rest of our time at the compound where I first met the gang. It was only the 3 of us, Vee was looking at the plants and playing around the water fountain. "Hey Luz, about what I said last night," I looked at her, "I was gonna tell you something I kept from everyone,"

"What is it?"

"I'm-I'm ugh nevermind forget it,"

"Hey you can tell me I'm all ears," she just smiled at me and hugged me, "what's this about?" she just dug her head onto my shoulders and hugged me tighter not caring that people were looking at us. "Thank you for everything Luz," I just smiled at her but my stomach was going all butterflies and I have no idea why.

"Blegh, you guys and your cringe disgusts me," Gus said from behind us. Amity quickly let go of me and her face turned red. I was enjoying the moment Gus come on. Hunter just laughed but Amity gave him an icy stare which made him go quiet. "Alright since you guys are done with whatever just happened, why don't we get our keys? There isn't much people left."

We got up and went to the office. When we arrived the place was nearly deserted, there was just 4, 5 students wandering around. Gus went in the office and came out holding his keys and what seemed to be a box? Must be the gift they were talking about. "I got room 134 and I wasn't told who my roommate is and they said we aren't supposed to tell anyone else," Hunter went in then Willow then Amity and I was last.

Time skip: at the Noceda Residence 

We brought our stuff in and when we opened the boxes to our surprise it was school uniforms. It was a complete set of: 

Formal uniforms:

Girls: Maroon blazers with a pocket on the top right side and the school logo on it, dark blue with yellow stripes and Hexside logo on the bottom tie, white long sleeved button up uniforms and a dark shade of blue skirt and a pin with their names.

Boys: Dark blue blazers with a pocket on the top right side and the school logo on it, whited short sleeved button up uniforms black trousers, dark blue with yellow stripes and Hexside logo on the bottom tie and a pin with their names.

PE uniforms:

Girls: Red shorts, white t-shirt with red sleeves and name printed on the back.

Boys: Blue track pants, white t-shirt with blue sleeves and name printed on the back.

In each of our boxes there was a note that said: These uniforms are the use for Hexside school only. Please wear white socks and black shoes. The name tag is to be worn on top of the pocket of the blazer. If they do not fit you or you have gotten the wrong name/typo in name please ask for a new one in the office.

Our clothes fit perfectly on us. "Ugh do we really need uniforms?" Amity complained. "así es la vida, sí" I replied, "yeah, that's just life," She replied I shot her finger guns before I left to change my clothes. I randomly said that because the song came in my head (literally).

Amity's POV:

After Luz said that I just translated it but why does that line sound so familiar. Then she shot me finger guns and left the room. I felt my face heated up but I tried my best to cover my face but no such luck. "So Amity, since Luz isn't here, do you have anything to tell us?" I just looked a Willow in panic, "W-what? I don't k-know what y-your t-talking about," I blurted out. All of them just smiled at me. "What?" 

"Is there something your hiding from us? Like maybe I don't know...something about you not being straight?"

"What are you talking about? I'm not hiding anything," but no matter how much I denied they knew what I was hiding. In the end, I gave in and told them. "Fine, I'm not actually straight, I'm probably gay?" I thought they would laugh at me instead they hugged me. "That's cool, but who do you like thought?" I just elbowed Hunter in the stomach.

Then Luz came back, "So what are you guys hugging about?" We separated from each other, "Oh nothing Amity was just feeling a little cold. So we hugged her." After Willow said that, "Oh really? I want to give her hugs too," and then she hugged me from behind. The others just looked at me smiling then their face changed from a smile to a concern look.

Vee pointed at her nose gesturing that something happened to my nose. When I touched it I felt something wet, it was blood. "H-hey Luz? Can you let go? I n-need to you the bathroom," and I quickly ran to clean up. Goddamit why did I have a crush on Luz. A big one too. 

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