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"You've got to go help her, mate," Dean muttered to me, his eyes glinting comically.

The corner of my mouth twitched with amusement, my attention on the girl in the emerald dress on the dance floor, her eyes closed as she danced passionately, a drunken smile on her face that still somehow shone brighter than any in the crowds of students. It wasn't until she'd wrapped her delicate arms round the neck of some immature boy that I really did stand up from the table, politely rejecting shouts to dance from fairly good-looking girls, for there was only one on my mind as of that moment, and she was currently dancing with a Durmstrang; shrugging him off of her with a glare, I pulled Millie's hand into mine and began guiding her towards the oak doors, smiling amusingly as she immediately began waffling.

"Oh, my H!" she squealed excitedly, wrapping both of her hands round my left one as I turned back to look at her, one eyebrow arched. "I've had the best night ever, you'll never guess what happened, oh my, I have so much to tell you, and I dealt with it so well, I was so cool, oh but I hate him, hate, hate, hate, and I hate her, but I've always hated her, but now I like, really, really hate her..."

"Yeah, yeah, me too..." I played along, mainly for my own amusement, but also so she would continue allowing me to aid her back to Gryffindor Tower safely. Glancing at her, I grinned as she began pulling me along, skipping along through the corridors merrily as I laughed along, shaking my head - she was completely drunk.

"Potter..." she slurred for possibly the fiftieth time, and I fought the urge to smile softly at the sweet sound of my name in her mouth.

"Donovan..." I returned, stumbling backwards in surprise as she flung her arms round me, pressing her forehead against my collarbone. My eyes widened upon feeling her breath on my neck as she tilted her head up towards me, and I gently pulled her away from me so I could look at her properly.

"Mills," I spoke firmly, lifting my hand and brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She glanced up at me expectantly, those forest eyes swimming with hope, and something strong gripped my heart. Shaking my head stupidly to myself, I stared, eyes wide, back at the girl who possessed my heart, consuming my mind and body in ways I couldn't even articulate. "Mills, what are you doing?" I said again, softer this time, mentally cursing the fucking idiot she called a boyfriend.

"Forgetting him," she whispered, scrunching her hands around my shirt and pulling me closer to her again. I furrowed my eyebrows hesitantly, her touch erupting a pounding in my heart, and a ringing in my ears.

"Mills..." I warned as she snaked her arms back round my neck, tilting my head towards hers. The familiar feeling of fondness for the girl washed over me again, and it took every last fibre inside of me to push her away, instead pulling her hands into mine. "Hey, hey...look at me..." I smiled softly as she listened to me, placing two fingers underneath her chin and gently tracing my thumb across her skin. "I'm going to take you back to Gryffindor Tower - Mills, trust me - and I'm going to wake up Jackson so he can take care of you, okay?"

"No...no..." she muttered, biting her lip, which made me melt every time. "I don't like him anymore..."

"You don't like him anymore," I repeated bluntly, fighting the urge to roll my eyes - why the bloody hell was she dating him then? Millie nodded, pushing herself up on her tiptoes to reach me, our lips once again dangerously close. Her eyes swam with tears, and my heart seemed to wrench - I hated crying in itself, let alone when Millie was the one doing it.

"Mills!" I moaned exasperatedly, wrapping my arms around her as some sort of protective reflex, resting my chin on her head. "Please don't cry...what happened?"

"It doesn't matter," she sniffed, wrapping her right hand round my tie and pulling my face towards hers instead, "I want you..."

My pupils seemed to dilate at her words, and I grunted at having to pull myself away from her, swearing underneath my breath.

"Why'd you have to make everything so hard?" I questioned, smirking slightly as she did, wiggling her eyebrows. "Don't answer that...come here..."

I pulled her towards me once more, staring intently in her eyes as I placed my forehead against hers, pushing my hair from my face, the ring I had noticed on her finger earlier glinting in the moonlight.

"I want you, too...Merlin, I want you more than anything in the world...but you're very drunk, and you have a boyfriend who would try and kill me if he knew how I felt-"

"I don't have a boyfriend," she hissed, eyes flashing with hatred. "If he wants to kiss us other girls, I can kiss other boys."

And that's when it hit me - the fucking idiot had treated Millie like shit, then proceeded to cheat on her throughout their relationship. Running my tongue across my upper teeth, I decided this probably wasn't the time to say 'I told you so' about Jackson being a dickhead, and instead sent her a serious look, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Mills, listen..." I muttered firmly, entwining my fingers through hers, "you wouldn't be doing this if you were actually sober, if you knew what you were doing-!"

"Yes I would, Harry!" she insisted, her eyes seemingly begging me as I hovered my lips over hers. It was becoming increasingly difficult to resist her, and the feeling of her cool breath on my mouth did not help. "Please, H...please..."

"Look who's the one begging now..." I muttered, the corner of my mouth twitching as she rolled her eyes. "The problem is, if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop..."

"Fine by me..." she hummed, and it was my turn to roll my eyes, using this distraction to pull away gently, heart panging. "You're just so hot!" she simpered, and I arched an eyebrow in amusement, sending her a smile.

"I know," I joked, causing her to slap my chest weakly, the only action from a sober Millie I'd seen all night. "But Mills? Just try and sleep on it now, and if you still want to kiss me in the morning, I'll gladly oblige."

"Fine." She shot me a look, but I was relieved as she slipped her hand into mine, allowing me to continue guiding her up the corridor. "I really don't like you."

Grinning, I admired the adoring way she stared up at me, her striking eyes intimidating and soft at the exact same time - Jackson was truly utterly stupid for letting her go. Not that I was complaining.

"I like that you don't like me," I hummed playfully, sending her a wink, to which she rolled her eyes. "Plus, you'll love me even more in the morning for doing this."

"So, I'm a challenge then?" she questioned tauntingly, pulling her hand from mine and crossing her arms like the stubborn princess she was. "That's what this is really about?"

"No," I said patiently, fighting the urge to make a smug comment as she stumbled back into me. "You just make me want to be-"

"Better?" she interrupted, stating the most cliche word I had ever heard. I released an amused chuckle, pulling her back towards me by her waist, knowing she would immediately soften up again, same as me.

"No," I said again, sending her a smirk as her cheeks turned a light tinge of pink, scrunching her freckled nose in flirtatious annoyance. "More. You make me want to be more, and no-one ever expects more from me."

With one last smile, she rolled her eyes playfully, pushing me back and attempting to walk away, before ordering me to come and help her as she nearly fell on her face.

I smiled. What a beautiful mess I was in.

TOGETHER (A HARRY POTTER LOVE STORY) 4Where stories live. Discover now