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"...And then! And then, girls, you'll never guess what happened. Millie, tell them what happened. Millie? Millie!"

My head shot back round to Tarek as my attention re-diverted, his hand having pinched my waist roughly; I barely moved, used to his touch by now, and raised my eyebrows expectantly.

"Er...sorry, what am I telling?" I asked, my eyes passing through the latest group of Beauxbaton's students that were stood in front of us.

"No, I'm telling them how Harry had it easy," he said plainly, pinching my skin once more so that I flinched slightly, "I think it's ridiculous how people are celebrating him to this extent - a blind person could have fought that Horntail. My dad works with dragons, and he says that the Horntail's one of the kindest species out there. I said that before the task even started, isn't that right, babe?"

Staring up at him, my stomach flipped pleasantly at being addressed by him in front of others, his words circling my head uselessly with no meaning.

"Er-" I croaked pathetically, glancing round at the expecting faces.

"Remember out little quarrel earlier," Tarek muttered into my ear, his expression joyful, though his eyes firm, "support me, Millie..." He pinched the skin on my waist harshly once again between his thumb and index finger, digging his nails on top of the fabric of my clothing.

"Ouch, Tarek, stop," I winced, attempting to push his hand away whilst smiling weakly at everyone.

He seemed to realise what he was doing, removing his touch in an instance, his eyes widening slightly.

"Shit, sorry. Just - like you so much..."

"Yeah, it's fine..." I said blankly, trailing my fingers across the developing bruise I knew would be there in the morning.

I would have been enjoying myself had I not forced myself to remain with Tarek the entire time; it seemed every time I looked in the opposite direction a new female was speaking to him, and it wasn't that I didn't trust him, I just preferred to be with my boyfriend than leave him with pretty, older girls, especially as Tarek and I still hadn't told many people we were even dating.

The whole of Gryffindor house seemed to be involved with the celebration, with multiple record players having been charmed to play music at the exact same time extremely loudly. Ron was in the best mood I had seem him in a while, flinging his arms wildly around in what was an apparent attempt at dancing, before quickly tripping over a ruck in the rug, nearly flying headlong into the fireplace. Harry laughed heartily at this, and an immediate smile formed on my lips at the sight of the two brothers together once again.

Harry was in the centre of it all obviously, clearly having recovered from his small get-down earlier, and was now, as usual, acting as a gregarious host, making the rounds like the charming school-celebrity he was. My eyes found him in the crowd every now and then, the same confident smile on his face, sleeves rolled half-way up his arms in a relaxed fashion, speaking to endless people as though he'd known them his whole life. I'd then shift my attention back to Tarek, and it wasn't until the eight time he had told his dragon remark, and I had once more forced a pleasant laugh to escape my mouth, I mumbled quickly to him, "Tarek, I'll be right back, just going to get myself a drink..."

Trusting that he had heard me simply by the way he began speaking louder over my whisper to be heard, I bit the inside of my cheek, shooting the blonde-haired third-year a quick glare, before disappearing into the crowd, hoping to actually get a drink down me before the end of the night.

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