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"Potter! Pearson! Will you pay attention?"

Professor McGonagall's irritated voice snapped me out of my daze in an instance, giving Mione a quick roll of my eyes to my left, who's lips twitched in amusement. Without bothering to turn and gain yet another glance at the new couple like the majority of the class, I returned to slumping in my chair, my arms crossed tightly, my attention solely on the front.

"Now Mr Potter has been kind enough to act his age," said Professor McGonagall, with another angry look towards the back of the Transfiguration classroom, resulting in a round of fond giggles from around the class, the loudest coming from the seat beside the boy himself. Lyra, who was seated on my right, released an overly-loud yawn, causing me to smirk discreetly. "I have something to say to you all. The Yule Ball is approaching - a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialise with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth-years and above - although you may invite a younger student if you wish-"

From the front of the classroom, Lavender let out a shrill giggle, herself, Parvati and Padma sending Mione, Lyra and I amused grins, to which we returned cautiously, eyebrows slightly raised. Professor McGonagall ignored them, which, if it had been under previous circumstances, I would have thought was distinctly unfair, considering she had just told Harry off, however the muffled sounds of laughter that kept raiding my ears from behind me kept my mouth shut tight.

"Dress robes will be worn," Professor McGonagall continued, "and the ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight, in the Great Hall. Now then-"

Professor McGonagall stared deliberately around the class. I straightened up slightly, my lips already beginning to curve into an amused smile.

"The Yule Ball is of course a chance for us all to - er - let out hair down," she said, in a disapproving voice.

Lavender giggled harder than ever, now along with the rest of the class; Lyra immediately covered her laugh into a cough, whispering excitedly to us, "McGonagall with her hair down? Never thought I'd see the day..."

"But that does not mean," Professor McGonagall went on firmly, "that we will be relaxing the standards of behaviour we expect from Hogwarts students. I will be seriously displeased if any of our students embarrass the school in any way."

The bell rang, and I stretched, throwing my books back into my bag as the classroom filled with chatter once more.

"What do you think of Madison? Harry's new girlfriend?" Mione asked casually, her gaze over my shoulder. I couldn't help it; I stood up, glancing behind me to see Harry leant on the desk, the dark haired Ravenclaw stood in front of him, hands resting comfortably on his chest as she laughed adoringly.

I bit the inside of my cheek, keeping my face blank despite the awful, unwanted twinge in my stomach. "She seems nice."

"She is not nice," Lyra snorted, slinging her bag lazily over her shoulder. "She leaves the dormitory in an absolute state every morning. I have to tidy up after her all the bloody time. Plus she always steals my socks...probably wearing them right now..." She shot the oblivious girl a suspicious look, causing me to let out a weak laugh.

"Did you not throw all of hers out your window the other week?" Mione questioned, in a slightly disapproving voice. "That's probably why, Ly."

Lyra grunted, shaking her head. "Yes, well, if she's going to leave them all over the floor, I'm going to get angry and launch them out the window, aren't I?" She nudged me lightly, sitting on top of her desk. "And what do you mean she seems nice. You don't care that she's dating your ex-boyfriend?"

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