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"...I don't believe it...I don't believe it...I DON'T BELIEVE IT-!"

"Ron!" I interrupted my friend with a laugh as he bumped into me by accident, too concentrated on trying to get another sighting of the Quidditch player to be able to walk in a straight line. I had managed to find him, Mione and Neville after the seemingly endless crowd had all began filing back up the steps and into the castle, again, which was now where I found myself, recrossing the Entrance Hall, heading for the Great Hall.

"For heaven's sake, Ron!" Mione snapped, as he began jumping up and down on the soles of his feet in a poor attempt at getting a better view of the Durmstrang's heads. "Honestly, he's only a Quidditch player-"

"Only a Quidditch player?" Ron repeated, his head snapping round to her as though he couldn't believe his ears. Neville snorted into the palm of his hand. "Hermione, he's one of the best Seekers in the world! I had no idea he was still at school, bloody hell..."

"Why don't you go and show him your little action figure?" I suggested mockingly, earning myself a giggle from both Neville and Mione. "I'm sure he might sign it if you ask nicely?"

"Yeah, I might," Ron fought back, clearly displeased with our lack of squealing about the famous Seeker being here. "I'll definitely be getting his autograph if I can. Oi, Harry! You haven't got a Quill, have you?"

Ron reached forward and pulled the familiar boy's cloak in front of us so that he stumbled back slightly, smacking Ron's arm away as he turned around with an amused look on his face. "Nope, they're upstairs in my room..." Harry answered, ignoring Ron's instant outburst of annoyance, his green eyes flicking to each of us; upon them landing on me, he immediately stopped walking, causing about ten people to nearly bump into him, breathing out, "Oh, thank, Merlin," as he dramatically placed his hands on his knees, bending over in relief.

"What?" I said, raising my eyebrows as I let out a laugh at the idiotic boy's reaction. "What are you doing?"

"You're here!" he cheered, seemingly quickly getting over himself as he stood up and held his arms out in front of him joyfully, beaming. "I thought you'd missed it, Mills! I knew how excited you were as well, shit, I would've felt awful..."

"Awe," I purred, tilting my head as I smiled up at him. "Is Harry Potter showing affection?"

He shrugged, sending me a lop-sided grin in return as he hummed, "Mmmm, well, don't have it to anymore, because you're here!"

"Good, it was making me feel sick." I rolled my eyes playfully as he winked, tugging on my skirt like an excited child as we joined the moving crowd again, with Harry striking up his own excited chatter about the Seeker, saying loudly, "...I wonder if he'll be able to give me some tips on the Wronski Feint move-"

"The wonky what move?"

"Wronski Feint, Mills," Harry corrected, snorting at me and shaking his head. "He did it at the World Cup, remember?"

"I think so," I said, nodding in return upon remembering the way Krum had tricked the Irish Seeker by pretending to spot the Snitch from far below and raced to catch it, causing him to do the same. "What about the Plumpton Pass?" I suggested enthusiastically, having read it in Quidditch Through the Ages, at some point, where the Seeker would casually scoop the Snitch up in their sleeve by a way of catching it. "If you ever managed to pull that off, I think you'd be able to become a profession Quidditch player yourself!"

Harry grinned forward, shaking his head as he let out a short exhale. "The plumtpon pass is near impossible..." he said hesitantly, before quickly adding, "wonder if catching it in your mouth counts?" I scoffed, raising my eyebrows at the thinking boy. He nudged me excitedly. "I could just start telling people I did it on purpose! Maybe I'll ask Krum..."

TOGETHER (A HARRY POTTER LOVE STORY) 4Where stories live. Discover now