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I didn't stay after class for long at all; cleaning everyone's cauldrons had only taken me a maximum of ten minutes, for obviously I did use magic - on every single piece of equipment - despite Snape's instruction not to. Harry had attempted to stay back and help me, but, of course, Snape had stayed back just long enough to make sure everyone in our class had left the corridor before he'd left, ensuring I suffered alone. Then, making a mental note to retrieve it later, I had slung my bag behind a statue of a knight, and was now sprinting through the seemingly endless corridors, heading for the Entrance Hall, where everyone was supposed to go. The more I ran, the more I noticed that the castle seemed to have had an extra-thorough cleaning; several grimy portraits had been scrubbed, much to the displeasure of their subjects, who were sat huddled in their frames, muttering darkly and wincing as they felt their raw pink faces.

"...Donovan! Oi, Millie...!" I heard a voice call out when I was around half-way down to the Entrance Hall, my heels skidding into the stone floor as I stopped abruptly, cursing aloud - my first thought went to Snape - but no...Snape would never call me by my first name...plus, the voice was far too soft...

Hesitantly, I turned around to see Cedric Diggory jogging towards me, smiling as he caught up, his pale cheeks a rosy pink.

"Oh, it's you," I said, letting out a breath of relief as I spun back round and picked up my pace again.

"Merlin, don't sound too enthusiastic," he joked, raising his eyebrows as he joined me, jogging to keep up. "Er - why are we running?"

I glanced at him briefly with an appalled look on my face. "I'm running because I don't want to be late for the welcoming! I don't know why you are-"

"Ah, brilliant," he stated, sending me a grin, "funnily enough, I'm running for the exact same reason!"

I wasn't quite sure whether he was mocking me, or was genuinely being serious about not wanting to be late. However, I didn't want to waste any more time than I already had, so, speeding up into a proper run, I quickly shouted behind me, "Okay, hurry up then!" Cedric beamed, copying my actions and quickening his run so that we were practically racing each other. "Why are you late?" I called to him, surprised that if Ernie was right, and Cedric was entering, he was going to be late to practically the beginning of the Tournament.

But, instead of answering, Cedric tapped his nose in secrecy. My gaze now properly on him, it was only then that I noticed the top buttons of his shirt were undone, his hair was much messier than usual, and his tie was hanging loosely round his neck. "Nothing for your young ears to hear about," he answered, following my eyeline and biting the inside of his cheek in a poor attempt to stop him from smiling.

"Ew," I said, wrinkling my nose and returning my attention to the front, my voice slightly patched from running.

Cedric chuckled at my reaction, shaking his head. "Such a fourth-year thing to say..."

"Who is it?" I asked nosily, wondering who the charming Cedric Diggory had pulled this time.

Cedric's smile flickered, and we both looked quickly at each other before we began racing up a winding stone staircase, our cloaks flailing behind us, which we had been made to wear today for the arrival. "Don't tell anyone. Promise?"

"Promise," I confirmed, now actually feeling curious as to who it could be.

Cedric paused for a split second, and I felt his eyes on me one last time, before he blurted, "Cho Chang."

"Wow, she's stunning," I complimented, earning myself a vigorous nod of agreement from the Hufflepuff, who was apparently losing his breath himself. "Could've chosen a better time for it, though, surely?" I said, to which Cedric looked at me. "Well, you don't wanna miss the arrival, do you? Suppose you couldn't keep it in your pants..."

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