Ch 7:Show of Force

Start from the beginning

"Umm, w-w-what was the question again?" He asks nervously again.

"If it was possible to start a family of our own." She said to him with her face still flushed red.

"Ummm, May I ask why?" He said as he was trying to calm down.

"W-W-Well it's just that-" she stops and takes a deep breath and continues as she  looks at him in the eyes,
"It's because...ever since we got married and hopefully everything had stopped I was hoping we would settle down and have a life outside the military and raise a family. And well we never got that chance due to the ever growing rebellion, plus we were a little too late for me to conceive. But now that we're here and returned to the age we met, we got a second chance for this. I know this is sudden and we have so many things to do, not to mention we have a whole life restarted again. But I can't help but feel envy, to see married couples with their children happy. I want something like that for us, to have something to live for. Not just for the empire, but for us as well. Live with something we don't regret. That's my reason, my lord."

Raxus was surprised by this, he's knows the orders from his master and the Emperor himself were more important than anything but he never took the chance to see that side with her as all they have been was work for the empire. Guess during that time she wished to have kids with him and raise them. She's the only person he trusts and is loyal to him the most out of everyone he's met in his life and he wishes to do something for her. Things are going smoothly right now, so now would be that chance.

So he goes to the holotable and patches a call in. Krista saw this looks in confusion, wondering who is he calling.

"Admiral Xavier." He calls to the admiral.

"Yes my lord?" Xavier asks.

"You mind looking after the command center for tonight? Admiral Krista and I are gonna be off for the rest of the night." He asks?

"Of course."

"Good and no interruptions." He commands him.

"Yes my lord. I'll make sure no one disturbs you." He understood.


After that he ends the call, next he turns to the young woman and smiles as he close in to her while she looks away, embarrassed by this new predicament. But he lifts her head up by her chin as they both gaze into each other's eyes. Raxus leans in and kisses her with passion. She was surprised by this but kisses back. A few seconds pass by as they break up and he starts kisses her on the neck.

"M-My lord." She says as she moans in pleasure, trying not to be tempted, which she did in the end.

He then lifts her up by the thighs and carries her to their bed, where he lays her down gently, and begins making out with her. A few minutes passed as he breaks it and looks at her once again.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He asks her as she brings him in closer.

"As long as your here I wouldn't have it any other way." She said as she leans in for a kiss as Raxus returns the gesture.


"Jaune? Is there something wrong?" He hears her voice as he looks down at his pregnant wife.

"No. Nothing at all." He said as he gives her a kiss on the lips as she returns the gesture. A few minutes pass by as they continued their kiss till they were interrupted by a call.

"Great now what?" He said as he got out of bed and press the hologram bringing up a imperial officer
"What do you want? I thought I said no interruptions?"

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