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I'm not a naive girl to the point of not understanding what Nop and Khun Sam's friend asked. But I never thought I would have this kind of feeling for her. She's too much sand for my little truck. I don't deserve her for several reasons. Furthermore, she is engaged to Mr. Kirk.

So much drama... Do we really need to get married these days?

When I think about it, I get moody. That's the truth. A man should stay with a woman. I need to accept this.

However, Khun Sam, she is so good that no one in this world can match her. She should be single, at least that's what I'd like.

Um... That would be nice.

Now, she always meets with her friends because Jim's wedding is coming up. I heard from Khun Sam that Jim didn't want to get married, probably she's in depression. So they talk to her often to cheer her up. And my boss, she always reports to me what she's doing. Where she is... and I do the same too.

Doraemon: Now, Yah is paying the bill. I'm with her.

Boss: Go home soon. Who will arrive first?

Doraemon: What is the reward for the winner?

Boss: The winner will receive the title 'the winner' as... ML Sam, the winner. Something like.

Doraemon: And the loser?

Boss: The title will be 'the loser' like Miss Kornkamon, the loser.

So creative.

While I'm focused on my phone chatting, Yah nudges me into panic.

"Mon, please stay still and don't look back."

"What's it?"

"Mr. Kirk."

"And? Why..." Even though Yah said not to turn around, it's hard to control curiosity. I look back and see Mr. Kirk hugging a little miss. Now I know why Yah didn't want me to look back. "Who is she? The woman with Mr. Kirk."

"Of course I don't know. I'm not feeling well right now. I shouldn't have seen something like that... It's so hard to keep a secret. We must hurry and get out of here. If he sees us, it won't do us any good. We will be marked."


"Because we found out his secret, he will force us to resign. I've seen this before in soap operas. I'm too old to look for a new job. Let's go.

I'm pushed out by Yah, now I'm feeling sad for someone and I don't know why.

No... I can't ignore that.

"Yah, you can go ahead."

"Why?... Hey, what are you going to do?"

I turn and walk towards Mr. Kirk. Yah has already disappeared, because she doesn't want to be part of this situation and be forced to resign. Mr. Kirk is happy with the lady beside him, they are busy talking sweetly about the latest version of a cell phone.

"Hello Mr. Kirk."

That's it.


The sweet mood disappears, as if blown away by the wind and dried by sunlight. He hurries to say, still with his hand around her waist. What a surprise for him.

"Mr. Kirk, good to see you. I don't want to get in the way, I just thought I'd say hello."

Even though I have a lot of things in mind to say, I don't say anything. None of my business. Whatever he did, it's between Khun Sam and him, but I'm very close to her and I accidentally stumbled across this.

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