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sorry this memory lmao, set in an irl au (which I may make a separate book on we'll see) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

~Ranboo Pov ~

Dead silence. I was waiting on my bed for Tommy. I mean that rascal is always late, I still love him though. I glance down at my phone for the 10th time in a minute, and beam when I see the notification.

Tom <3

Be there in five!

Shit. Oh shit. It's becoming real now. I thought I was ready, but I don't think I am. There's always the possibility that Tom is so clueless he doesn't thunk of my gesture as romantic, but I doubt with my luck that will happen. I look to the mistletoe hung precariously above my door. Aimsey thought it was a real clever idea. Aimsey was also the one to help me choose this present. 2 gold bracelets with our initials carved into them. I also got him a bouquet of Alliums, which trust me, is not easy to come by. There is also a card, A very nice one if I do say so.

It's been 5 minutes. He will be here any second. I'm just praying that all my over thinking wasn't for nothing. Ding! That's the door bell. Tom. I scramble out of bed in a panic, halting in front of the mirror to quickly mess with my hair. I open the door and there he is. "MERRY CHRISTMAS RAN!" he shouts, A giant stack of gifts blocking most of his face from view. "Merry Christmas Tom! Lemme help you with those!" I take about 4 presents from his hand, revealing Tommy's rosy cheeks. Tommy walks in and I shut the door behind me. "So who are all those presents for?" I ask. "For you idiot! Who else would they be for?" Tommy responds with a grin. I flush. "Well now I feel guilty, I only got you 2 things, whereas you got me a dozen!" Tommy laughs at my comment. "Here, bring all your stuff into my room, your present is in there already." Tommy, still struggling to carry his belongings follows me. As we walk through the doorway, I'm relieved until Tommy pauses. "Oh Ran~" I look at him signaling to the mistletoe. I blush. "Come on Ran we have to, that's the rule!" I sigh and put down the gifts. Tommy beckons me. "Duck down just a tad." I oblige. Tommy puts down his gifts, grabs my chin and KISSES ME. It's only a peck but it leaves me speechless and flustered. Surprisingly Tommy looks more pink than before. "Well uhm, lets open presents now-!" We sit on the floor and open each of Tommy's gifts. They all contain mementos to places we've been or things we've done, and each comes with a note about that memory. "Aw Tommy this is so sweet! Thank you!!" "You're welcome! My turn now!" I hand him his gift and then look away. He looks at the gift and I inhale sharply. He reads the card. "Ran..." I turn to him. He is smiling and blushing. "I uh, I never knew you felt this way! I mean I should have known after that Love or Host but wow. I mean, I don't know what to say, I-" He pulls me in for a loving kiss. My eyes widen and I kiss back. After a few seconds I pull away, blushing and speechless. "Oh my god." I say, touching my lips. Tommy giggles. "Merry Christmas Ran." 

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