British Boi vs. America Pt. 2

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"We're here Tommy." Ranboo tapped Tommy's shoulder and Tommy grumbled and rubbed his eyes. He followed Ranboo out of the car and grabbed one of his suitcases and his carry on bag. Ranboo's mom (Now referred to as Motherboo) took out her keys and unlocked the door. Click. The door slowly opened. Motherboo was the first to enter, then Tubbo, next Tommy, and finally Ranboo. Tommy tugged off his shoes and plopped down on to the couch. Tubbo and Ranboo sat down next to him. "Come on big man, you've gotta get ready for bed." Tubbo told Tommy. Tommy glanced at the electric clock, it was already 10:30 pm. Ranboo showed Tommy to his room. "Your sharing a room with Tubbo." "Ok, I guess that's fine." Tommy replies. "Unless you would rather share a room with me." "YES PLEASE RANBOO!" The two exit Tubbo's room and walk a bit down the hallway to Ranboo's room. Ranboo's room has his streaming setup, a King size bed, and tons of Fanart. "You have a very nice room." Tommy comments. "Oh it's nothing much." Ranboo replies. Tommy puts his suitcase down and riffles through it looking for a pair of pj's. He finds a pair he likes and brings them to the bathroom.

*Time skip to after everyone is showered and in bed*

Tommy yawns. Ranboo looks up from his phone. "Hey Toms, are you ready to go to bed?" Ranboo asks. "Yea, I'm pretty exhausted from my airport experience." Tommy says with a yawn. Ranboo turns his phone off and flicks off the lights. Tommy falls asleep almost instantly. Ranboo stays awake for a while just staring at the ceiling. He hears a grumble and looks down to see Tommy cuddling against him. Ranboo grins and closes his eyes. Ranboo falls asleep to the warmth of Tommy's body and his quiet breathing.


"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEADS!" Tubbo yells. Tommy opens his eyes to find himself cuddled against Ranboo. Ranboo hasn't woken up yet. Tubbo jumps on top of Ranboo and Tommy and Ranboo startle awake. "Who, what, when, how, why? Oh it's just you Tubbo." Ranboo says. Tubbo smirks, looks at Tommy and Ranboo and says, "Were you guys cuddling?". Tommy looked Ranboo directly in the eyes and then looked down at his feet. " Maybe..." Tommy replies shyly. Ranboo notices how embarrassed Tommy looks and then says to Tubbo, "I think he did it involuntarily while he was sleeping." "Whatever I'm hungry." Tubbo says completely forgetting the events from a minute ago.

* I wanted to mention that all shipping is of their online personas as their irl selves. None of the events of this story actually have happened as far as I know. Comments and Suggestions are appreciated! Maybe vote?*

British Boi vs. America~TombooOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora