British boi vs. America pt 12

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AN: Chapter as promised :D I have the smallest bit of motivation and I'm gonna use it on this. This chapter they are back at Ranboo's house so yeah. Enjoy!

The trio were all just chilling on the couch. Tubbo watching youtube, Ranboo was just scrolling through Twitter. God only knows what Tommy was doing. "Boooooooooooo I'm boredddddddd!" Tommy groaned. "That sounds like a you problem." Ranboo replied. "Uh! Ranboo I am wounded!" Tommy whined. "OOOOOOO THE COUPLE IS FIGHTING." Tubbo taunted. "Shut up Tubs." Tommy said. Ranboo blushed. "We're not a couple, at least not yet." Ranboo smirked. Tommy blushed and grabbed Ranboo's hand. "Come on Boo, can we go to your room, I want to talk to you about something." "Okay Toms." Tommy led Ranboo to his room and they both flopped down on Tommy's bed. "Boo, do you actually like me?" Tommy mumbled. "Of course I do!" Ranboo leaned down and gave Tommy a small kiss. "Is that clear enough?" Ranboo asked. Tommy was blushing. "Ranboo, would you like to go on a date with me?" Tommy asked sheepishly. "Of course I would!" Ranboo leaned in and gave Tommy a kiss. Tommy kissed back.

~Tubbo Pov~ 

I got up from the couch and shoved my phone in my pocket. I was bored out of my mind. I walked to Ranboo's room, deciding I would ask them if they wanted to stream. I opened the door. Tommy and Ranboo were kissing eachother. My mouth was wide open and I took out my phone and snapped a photo. "I'm just gonna leave, I'm gonna be streaming if you guys wanna join me." Tommy and Ranboo looked at me and blushed. "How much did you see?" Ranboo asked. "Oh I saw enough." I said.

~End of Pov~

Tubbo had just left Ranboo's room. "So Toms you wanna go join Tubbo's stream?" "Yeah I guess." They both entered Tubbo's room. "Chat look who is here!" Chat started freaking out. "Mods set up a poll for what kind of stream we're gonna do." Tubbo said. The two options were Truth or Dare or A QNA stream. Obviously chat chose Truth or Dare. "The way this is going to work is you are going to send a dono, if its a question, we all answer, but if its a dare, you have to say who the dare is for." Tubbo said. The first dono came through: What is everyone's sexuality if you don't mind me asking :). "I am questioning!" Tubbo said energetically. "I'm Pan!" Ranboo added. "And I'm Bi!" Tommy said.  The rest of the stream went on, more dares and more questions. There was a couple dares and questions that they didn't do for privacy reasons and such. "It's getting late guys, I think I'm gonna end stream!" Tubbo said. "Bye!" The trio yelled and Tubbo ended stream. 

*Time skip brought to you by my lack of motivation, they ate dinner and now they are in bed*

"Good night Boo." "Goodnight Toms." The two boys gave eachother a quick kiss. Tommy fell asleep in Ranboo's arms rather quickly. Ranboo sighed, "I love you Tommy." Ranboo fell asleep cuddling with Tommy. 

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