British boi vs. America Pt 7

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AN: Thank you guys for Reading this story so far! I honestly never expected this many people would actually read this! Enjoy the hopefully longer chapter. (This hotel is by Disneyland, not at Disneyland, apologies for any confusion.) 

Tommy rubbed his eyes and yawned. He noticed that Ranboo wasn't in bed. He checked the time on his phone. It was 9:53. Ranboo looked up and saw Tommy was awake. "Good morning sleeping beauty." He smirked. Tommy could feel a light blush creep up his cheeks but shook it off. "What's for breakfast?' he asked, changing subjects. "Tubbo went down to the buffet to see what they had, he should be back any time." Ranboo replied. Almost like he was summoned, Tubbo burst through the door with a giant tray of food. It was overflowing with cereal, muffins, yogurt, and other foods. "FOOD!" Tubbo yelled. Tommy's stomach grumbled. "Let's Eat!" Ranboo said enthusiastically. The trio ate almost all the food that Tubbo had gathered up and got dressed. "Come on guys it's time to go!" Tubbo said. All 3 boys grabbed their things and piled into the car. They drove the 5 or so minutes to Disneyland. "FINALLY." Tommy yelled. He jumped out of the car and slammed the door shut. Ranboo needed to put on his mask and glasses, in case one of the trio got recognized. Tommy and Tubbo were already eagerly bouncing up and down outside of the car. Ranboo adjusted his mask and stepped out of the car. "COME ON RANBOO LETS GO LETS GO HURRY UP!" Tubbo shrieked. "YEAH RANBOO!" Tommy shouted. "Jeez Tommy, didn't think you were that exited to go on a roller-coaster but what do I know." Ranboo shrugged. Tommy turned pale. "I'm a big man, roller-coasters don't scare me." Tommy grumbled and stormed off towards the entrance. Ranboo and Tubbo shot a look at each other but followed Tommy. The trio handed the person at the entrance their tickets for both the main park, and California Adventure. They walked through the entrance. "Whose channel is the vlog going on?" Tubbo asked. "Maybe your's or Ranboo's channel, you guys have fewer subscribers then me, no offense." Tommy said. "How about Ranboo's channel, since he literally never posts." Tubbo added. He pulled out his phone and opened Ranboo's channel page. The last upload was Ranboo goes to the city. 5 months ago. Ranboo laughed sheepishly and rubbed his neck. "Heh yeah." Ranboo chuckled. "Your vlog, your phone." Tommy said sternly and grabbed Ranboo's phone right out of his pocket and shoved it in his hands. Ranboo started recording. He decided he would record the intro back at his house when the audio was better. Ranboo started recording. He zoomed onto the Disneyland castle and then turned the phone towards Tommy. "Disneyland." That's all that Tommy said. Ranboo stopped recording and bent over laughing. Tubbo and Tommy joined him. "Which ride do you guys wanna go on first?" Tubbo asked, wiping a tears out of the corner of his eye. "Hmmm how about Splash Mountain?" Ranboo suggested. "Sounds good." Tommy and Tubbo said in unison. The boys made their way over to the ride and waited in line. They left their bags and Tommy and Tubbo's phone sin the Cubby right before you boarded the ride. "Um where is the seatbelt?" Tommy asked anxiously. "This ride doesn't have one, its safe enough that one isn't needed." Tubbo said. The ride started and Ranboo started recording. "We are on Splash Mountain, the first ride of the day." He said. He turned the phone towards Tubbo, who was just admiring the ride. Then he turned it down to record Tommy, who was sitting there petrified, gripping the handrail. The first ascent started and Ranboo recorded it all. The log reached the top and dropped suddenly. Tubbo had his hand sin the air and was cheering. Tommy, however was screaming at the top of his lungs. The rest of the ride was pretty smooth, going through a tunnel filled with animatronics singing and dancing. Then the log started a steep ascent through an enclosed tunnel. Tommy was fidgeting with his hands. Ranboo was recording and saying random things. They reached the top. The drop was ridiculously steep. On an impulse Tommy gripped onto Ranboo and buried his face in his chest. Ranboo stopped recording and grabbed Tommy's hand and squeezed it, reassuring him it was okay. The log dropped. Tubbo whooped and was raising his arms in the sky. Tommy was petrified with fear gripping Ranboo. Ranboo was just focused on keeping Tommy safe. A giant wave of water washed over them and soaked the trio. They exited the ride and went to look at the photo taken of them when they experienced the drop. "You guys look like a couple!" Tubbo started laughing. Tommy and Ranboo both blushed and turned away. "Go outside and wait for me, ill grab our things." Tubbo said. He had another plan however. He bought a copy of the photo from the man working the kiosk and decided he was going to give it to Tommy and Ranboo as a "gift" Tubbo scrawled a quick message in sharpie on it and grinned.

AN: I hope you enjoyed! Finally a longer chapter! All reads mean a Ton to me! I will continue the Disneyland chapter by Friday! I might update my one-shot book tomorrow. 

British Boi vs. America~TombooWhere stories live. Discover now