British boi vs. Marriage pt. 3/4

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~Tommy Pov ~

"Tommy will you marry me?" Ranboo was down on one knee with a shiny diamond ring. I gasped. "OF COURSE I WILL!" Ranboo stood up and I kissed him. He kissed me back and it felt like we were the only people in the world.

~Phil Pov~

"YESSS ITS HAPPENING!" Tubbo whisper yelled next to me. "Quiet mate, can't have them spotting us." Ranboo had gotten on one knee. Knowing Ranboo, he would have wanted this moment to be just him and Tommy. I grabbed Tubbo's arm and dragged him away. "What was that for?" He grunted. "if you were getting proposing, would you want to of your friends to be spying on you from a bush WITH ONE OF THEM EATING POPCORN." Tubbo flushed from embarrassment. "I guess not." "They'll tell us when they're ready." Tubbo nodded and we called another uber to come pick us up for real this time.

(Literally love dadza)

~Time skip, 1 week later, Ranboo Pov~

Me and Tommy had been engaged very happily for a week now. We decided it was gonna be time to start planning our wedding. I wanted everything to be perfect for my Tom. I thought who better to ask about weddings then Phil and Kristen. I grabbed my phone and face timed Phil. He picked up instantly. "Hey what's up mate?" He asked. "I need to ask you and Kristen about weddings," Two voices came through the phone. Kristen squealing and Wilbur shouting, "WEDDINGS?!? YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED?!?" I laughed and said, "Yup, to someone you know." Kristen and Will screamed at the same time. "TOMMY!?!" I blushed bright red and nodded. We then talked for the next 45 minutes or so coming up with a few ideas until Tommy came into the room after streaming. He sat down in my lap and nuzzled his face into my chest. "I'm sleepy." He mumbled. "Sorry guys, looks like Tom is sleepy, ill talk to you guys later!" I hung up. Tommy yawned. "What were you guys talking about?" "Just wedding ideas!" I replied. Tommy perked up a little at that. "You'll need to tell me! But first, cuddles!" I laughed as we went to Tommy's bed to lie down. I laid down and Tommy laid his head on my chest. "You can tell me all about it now," I told Tommy about how we had come up with a few different ideas. The first was an Allium themed wedding, and the other, the one Tommy was most interested in was a minecraft themed wedding. "I like the minecraft one." Tommy yawned. I chuckled, "I thought you would, but you're tired, so lets go to sleep, we can talk about it another time." I shut off the light and we both went to sleep.

2 weeks later (Groupchat)

Tommy and Ranboo had both been busy inviting family and well telling their families about their marriage. They both agreed on a basic idea for the wedding and Ranboo started the long process of planning the perfect wedding for his soon to be husband.

Wedding Planners

Ranboo the soon to be Marriedboo: Who made this chat?


Niki <3: Hi guys!!!!

Puffy 🐏: Hi Niki!!! Hi Ranboo!!! Hi Eret!!!

Ranboo the soon to be Marriedboo: Okay, you guys are going to help me with planning, Niki, you can plan help me make food arrangements, Eret, you can be in charge of decoration, and Puffy, you can do invitations! Sound good?


Puffy 🐏: Ooooo I can do that

Niki <3: glad to help!!!

Ranboo the soon to be Marriedboo: Great then! Lets get started, you guys know the plan!

~Ranboo Pov ~

Me and Niki had found a bakery that was willing to make a giant layered minecraft cake for us. Niki had had the stroke of genius to buy me and Tom's minecraft character figures to put on the top of the cake. I hadn't bothered Eret at all, they were an expert and had told me to "Leave it all to them" Our wedding was planned for November 27th, just 2 months away. I had helped Puffy send out invites to all my and Tommy's friends. Will, Ash, Tubbo, Phil, Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, Billzo, Feddie, Aimsey, Crumb, Hannah, and Quackity just to name a few. I sent invites to my family, and Tommy sent invites to his. I had enlisted the help of Crumb to help design the invitations. Everything was going well. Me and Tom still streamed like nothing was different. The wedding slowly approached until it was just weeks away.

~Tommy Pov ~

Me and Boo's wedding was just a week away. I already had my suit, but Ranboo had refused to tell me anything specific about the wedding or what he was gonna wear. I trust him though. Ranboo had just left with Niki and Eret to go shopping. I decided it would be a good idea to stream. I started up the stream and titled it "JUST TALKING ASK ME ANY QUESTIONS" "Hey chat! How are we!" I then explained the stream and what we were doing. I started getting donos with questions. A answered a lot of questions and just talked about random stuff. A dono came up. "Anything exciting soon?" it read. "Actually yeah! In about a week or so I have a wedding!" Chat started spamming asking who was getting married. "Actually chat, its my wedding. THATS ALL FOR TODAY BOYS GOODBYE!" I abruptly ended stream.

There we go :D I can't believe British boi is back yall :))) this is just the first part to part 3, the next part will be shorter but then it'll be the big wedding! Sorry if this was a tad bit rough, I haven't written this story in a while! Thank you all so very much for 75 followers and almost 40k reads! Never would I ever have thought that people would actually enjoy this mess of a book! You guys mean the actual world to me :)

1003 words 

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