British Boi vs. America Pt. 6

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About a half hour into the 6 hour drive to Disneyland, Tommy and Ranboo got bored, they both took out their phones. Tubbo was driving and still listening to music. Ranboo opened up Minecraft and just started just messing around on a new survival world. Tommy started playing Fnaf, as he had nothing better to do. He opened up cams and checked Pirates Cove. Foxy was missing. He quickly closed cams and shut the door. "LETS GO!" Tommy pumped his fist. Ranboo startled and looked up. "What did you do Toms?" Ranboo asks. "I CLOSED THE DOOR IN THAT STUPID FOX'S FACE!" Tommy yelled. "I'm trying to drive here." Tubbo grumbled. "Sorry Tubs, Ill try to shut him up." Ranboo said. Tommy was entirely focused on his game now. Ranboo got an evil look on his face. He powered off Tommy's phone. Before Tommy could argue Ranboo shushed him and said, "You look tired, its going to be a long two days, you should take a nap." Ranboo said. "Okay fine Ranboo, only if I can lean on your shoulder." Tommy replied, clearly unhappy. Ranboo rolled his eyes. "Fine Toms." Tommy fell asleep rather quickly and Ranboo followed suit. Tubbo, being the responsible one, pulled over and grabbed a blanket from their bags and draped it over the two. Tubbo grinned and continued driving.


"Come on guys, you have to wake up we're here." Tubbo said shaking the boys' shoulders. Tommy kicked off the blanket and got out of the car. Ranboo followed Tommy and rubbed his eyes. Each boy grabbed a bag and walked towards the hotel. "Room for Toby." Tubbo said. "Okay here is your hotel card." The lady working at the counter said and handed Tubbo the key card. The trio walked up to the room. Tubbo scanned the key card. The door opened with a small click. The boys nearly trampled over each other and entered the room. Tommy and Tubbo tossed their bags halfheartedly by the door, kicked off their shoes and both plopped onto separate beds. "There's only two beds, where am I gonna sleep?" Ranboo asked. "Choose." Tubbo said. "I call Ranboo, we have been sharing the same bed at his house anyways, this won't be much different." Tommy said. "I guess that works, what do you guys want for dinner?" Tubbo says. "Hmm how about Pizza?" Ranboo suggests. "Sounds good, ill order it now." Tubbo says. 

*Time skip, they ate the pizza. and are in bed now*

"Goodnight guys." Ranboo says and turns off the light. Tommy is already asleep, has been for a while. "Good night Ranboo, we have a big day tomorrow." Tommy just grumbles and grips onto Ranboo's torso, still half asleep. Ranboo gives a small smile and falls asleep. 

AN: Thanks for reading! This is kinda just a filler chapter. I promise the next chapter will be longer, it should be out by Tuesday, depending on my motivation and time. Comments are appreciated! Please vote if you enjoyed! :D

British Boi vs. America~TombooWhere stories live. Discover now