British boi vs. America pt 10

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AN: Updates what 3 days in a row? I am evil, but i'm not evil enough to leave everyone reading this on a cliffhanger. Anyway this chapter is pretty short, i'm gonna try to post another chapter after this today. Enjoy!

"I-I um." Ranboo stuttered. "I knew you didn't like me back and now I've ruined everything!" Tommy sobbed. He pushed back from Ranboo and ran away. "Tommy Wait!" Tubbo had noticed what had happened and took his attention off of the fireworks. "What Happened!" Tubbo yelled over the booming fireworks. "He said he liked me, and I didn't know what to say!" "He got upset when I didn't say anything and ran away!" Ranboo replied. "I'll call him." Tubbo said. The phone rang but no one picked up. "That's not good." Tubbo whispered. "We need to go find him." Tubbo said. Ranboo nodded and both boys split up to find Tommy.

~Tommy Pov~

"I-I um." Ranboo stuttered. "I knew you didn't like me back and now I've ruined everything!" I sobbed. I pushed myself away and ran away from the boy who I liked. I ran wildly, darting in and out of the crowd. My phone rang. It was Tubbo. I didn't pick up. After wandering around aimlessly, still sobbing, I found a dark little corner, away from the main path. It was dark, and no one could see me there. I sat down and put my head on my knees. I had messed up and I knew it.

~End of Pov~

Ranboo was wandering around, asking everyone he saw if they had seen a blonde 18 year old running in their direction. Everyone he talked to shook their heads. Ranboo was getting extremely worried. He had been searching for an hour when he heard a faint sound. It sounded like crying. Ranboo looked around and saw a small dark corner. There was Tommy, sniffling and shaking. Ranboo rushed over and sat down in front of Tommy. "Hey Toms are you okay?" Ranboo asked. "Tubbo and I have been looking for you forever!" No response. "Tommy look at me." Ranboo said sternly. Tommy looked up and wiped his nose. His eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks were flushed. "What do you want Ranboo, you don't care about me." Tommy sniffed. Ranboo thought for a split second and made his decision. He grabbed Tommy's chin. "Look me in the eyes Tommy." Tommy looked away. "Fine, if you want to be that way." Ranboo pulled Tommy towards him and connected their lips.

AN: ! I want to thank you guys for reading this!  If you want to suggest anything for the rest of this story I will accept it! 


British Boi vs. America~TombooWhere stories live. Discover now