British boi vs. Marriage Part 1/4 (?)

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AN: From the responses I got I am going to have Ranboo propose. I almost forgot about writing this, but then I remembered. I had to stop watching game theory to write this so be thankful. 

Time Skip. Tommy and Ranboo have been dating for 10 years. Tommy is 28 and Ranboo is recently 29? I don't know if that makes sense lol. When i'm writing this i am tired and stressed so this might be terrible. 

~Ranboo Pov~

Today was the Day I was going to finally propose to Tommy. I had been waiting and preparing for god knows how long. I was trying to make everything perfect. I had been working up the courage to propose for a long time, I was scared of rejection. 

~Tommy Pov~

"I need to go grab something from the store for our date." Ranboo yelled from downstairs. "Okay Honey!" I replied. I walked downstairs to say goodbye before he left. I gave him a quick kiss. "I'll be back in an hour!" He walked out and closed the door behind him. I decided it wouldn't hurt to take a quick nap before our date. I went back upstairs and changed into one of Ranboo's hoodies and some shorts. I climbed into bed and fell asleep practically instantly. 

~Ranboo Pov~

I got in the car and sighed. I felt bad for having to lie to Tommy. I wasn't actually going to the store. I turned on the radio to some random station and drove off. A few minutes later I arrived at this little gazebo. It was hidden off the main road next to a small pond. Tubbo and Phil were here already. I got out of the car and went to meet them. "Thanks again for helping me with this and flying all the way out here." I said. Tubbo punched my shoulder, "Anything for you Big Man." Phil nodded. "Well come on then Ranboo, you don't need to thank us." Phil said. "Tubbo and I already started setting up." Phil motioned towards the gazebo which had a small table with two chairs in the center. Lights were strung from the trees and in the bushes. "It looks amazing!" I exclaimed. We finished setting up and soon it was time to go pick Tommy up. "Thanks again." "Your welcome, good luck!" Phil replied. Tubbo and Phil got into their Uber and drove off. I walked back to my car and drove back to Tommy and I's house." 

~Tommy pov~

Ranboo shook my shoulder. "Toms wake up, we need to get ready fro our date." He whispered. I nodded and got out of bed. Ranboo was wearing a pink suit with a floral patterned tie. He looked amazing. "Here Tommy," He handed me a bag with a matching suit. "Why is everything so fancy?" I asked. He shrugged, "Special occasion." I went into the bathroom and changed. "You look amazing Toms!" Ranboo exclaimed. I blushed. "Thanks Boo, you look great too." Ranboo grabbed my hand and led me outside to the car. He opened it for me and then shut it behind me. "Why are you being such a gentleman all of a sudden?" I giggled. He kissed my hand and smiled, "No Reason." I looked at him and shook my head.  

AN: Omfg im so sorry for posting this so late. I wasnt feeling amazing today but i still wanted to post something. The whole portion of the proposal and wedding will be 3 or four parts soooooo. Im going to the zoo tomorrow with my family tomorrow so i wont be able to post anything until tomorrow evening or saturday. 

I hope everyone is doing alright!

I thought the name for this chapter was pretty clever, what do you guys think. 

OH! And the name for the adopted child will be Clementine! She will be a 3 and 1/2 year old girl! 

Sorry for the quality of this chapter, I know it was crappy. My writing sucks lol

Bye! Until next time readers!

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