British Boi vs. America Pt. 4

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Tommy woke up and found himself on the couch in Ranboo's streaming room. He looked up and saw Ranboo asleep, breathing steadily. His glasses were falling off so Tommy pushed them back up. "Mhm, what time is it." Ranboo asked sleepily. "It's 6:30." Tommy said, checking his phone.  Tommy kicks the blanket off his feet. Both boys get up from the couch and walk downstairs. "Your finally awake, dinner is almost ready." Tubbo says without even turning around from where he is washing the dishes. "Ok, Thanks. Ranboo says. He walks over to the couch and turns on the Tv and opens up Youtube. Tommy walks over and sits across the couch from him. "What do you want to watch?" Ranboo asks. Tubbo appears next to Tommy on the couch. "Dream's newest manhunt?" He suggests. Tommy nods in agreement. "Ok Manhunt it is!" Ranboo says excitedly. He looks up Dream's channel and starts the video. 

*Time skip*

"SUCK IT GREEN BOIIIIIII!" Tommy yells and jumps off the couch. Dream had just gotton exploded by Badboyhalo using an end crystal. Tommy's hair was a fluffy mess and his eyes were shining. Ranboo was admiring him until the timer for the oven went off. Tubbo got up off the couch and took a homemade pizza out of the oven. "Dinner's ready come sit down at the table!" Tubbo shouts from the dining room. "Jeez Tubs you sound like my Mum!" Tommy shouts back in response. Tommy and Ranboo walk over and plop down at the table. The 3 hungry boys eat the entire pizza.

*Time skip*

All the dishes were done and everyone was finished eating. Now everyone was just chilling on the couch on their phones. Tommy was sat up against Ranboo, with Tubbo on the other side of the couch. Tommy was still really jetlagged, constantly almost falling asleep. Ranboo looked down at the half asleep blonde boy and took a photo. He posted it to Twitter. The caption read: Someone is still a bit jetlagged. Within minutes, thousands of fans were replying with questions like, OMG IS TOMMY IN AMERICA?!?, WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO CLOSE?, and BENCH TRIO MEETUP AMERICA VERSION? Ranboo chuckled lightly. Tommy rubbed his eyes. "Whats so funny Ranboo?" "Oh nothing~" Ranboo said slyly. Tommy took out his phone and opened up Twitter. "RANBOOB DELETE IT!" Tommy yelled. "Why should I, you look cute." Ranboo replied with a small grin, pink dusted his cheeks. "I-Uh.." Tommy stuttered and blushed furiously, burying his face in his hands. "Now that that's settled, what kind of vlog do you guys wanna do?" Tubbo asked. "DISNEYLAND PERIOD." Ranboo said. "That sounds fun!" Tommy says. "Well boys, I guess if we're going to Disneyland, we're gonna need tickets." Tubbo says. "Done." Ranboo says and shows his phone to Tubbo and Tommy. I booked the tickets in 3 days, so we have time to prepare." Ranboo told them. 

*Time skip to when everyone is in bed*

"Good night Boo, and thanks for the compliment earlier, it means a lot." Tommy says sheepishly. "You're welcome Toms, Good night." Ranboo turns of the lights. Tommy falls asleep practically instantly. Ranboo lays there for a while, just staring at the mesmerizing fan. He snaps out of his trance and begins to get sleepy. He turns his body to face Tommy. He gives Tommy a kiss on the head. "Goodnight Tommy." He says and smiles. He turns over and falls asleep.

AN: Im so sorry I haven't updated in a long time, I have been really busy with school and Iv'e had no motivation. I finally posted though! I hope you enjoyed! If you did consider voting and leaving a comment, it would be much appreciated!

British Boi vs. America~TombooWhere stories live. Discover now