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It's Sunday morning when Jungkook reaches Seoul with his dad. His dad gave all the possible warnings about the new city and mainly how to behave with Kim Seokjin, who is older than him by five years. Truly he doesn't look older than Jungkook.

When they reached the apartment Jungkook felt good about the surroundings, it looked peaceful, and no kids were running around or in the park. Roads are wide, and cars pass by like they are in a race. Most of the people passing them are in suites, it's pretty much a high-class area where people work and mind their business. Jungkook felt good.

Seokjin's apartment is on the 5th floor, the corner one. Maybe the balcony is not spacious. Well, Jungkook is not someone into the balcony.

He felt awkward when his father rings the bell. It's the weekend, and Seokjin might be sleeping, Jungkook would have done his best to avoid this interaction on his precious Sunday if he was in Seokjin's place. Definitely.

The opposite of what he is thinking, the door opened after the first bell. Seokjin is standing in front of them with a smile on his face, an ironed sky blue shirt neatly tucked in, and blue jeans, not ripped like his. Hairs neatly combed, and some light makeup for sure because Jungkook doesn't believe anybody can have this glowing skin in the morning. He bowed at them like a trained robot.

" Seokjin ah, son you are looking so handsome ."

" Thank you, uncle. Hi Jungkook-shi. Hope your journey wasn't inconvenient "

" oh no no, thank you. Such good manners you have, Seokjin ah"

" Please come inside, Uncle and Jungkook shi"

"Call him Jungkook or Kookie, he is younger than you "

His father says while walking inside, Jungkook wants his father to leave already. He followed them slowly pushing his trolley and other luggage inside. They change into home slippers. Seokjin has three extra unused pairs, he is really rich, Jungkook thought.

But when he is changing into them, his father nudges him while glaring at him,

" Wish him and introduce yourself properly "

What is there to introduce, his name is Jeon Jungkook and Seokjin knows that. Once they enter Jungkook's father takes a seat on the couch, of course glaring at him.

" Hai, Seokjin...hyung. I am starting my university tomorrow and....thank you for having me here... I guess "

Seokjin smiled and shook his head telling no need for the formalities and to take a seat.

"Seokjn ah, I hope Jungkook won't be a problem to you. He is a nice kid with many dreams. He is very new to Seoul, you know coming from the village how clueless anybody can be here. Please guide him well, if he does any nonsense please call us we will be here on next day. I do wish him to complete his college and get a good stable job and get married and settled down. We have only him. It's the first time I am leaving him somewhere-"

His dad keeps on talking not leaving Seokjin a chance to reply. But he is hearing it all with patience, a gentle smile is always there, and he nods here and there. He looks like he is truly hearing and not like Jungkook who acts most of the time.

" I can't relate to how you might be feeling, Uncle. But I can assure you about Jungkook's safety here. Please don't worry. you and your aunt are always welcome here whenever you want to meet him. Seoul is a good city too. Jungkook is going to do well "

His dad nods at him while wiping his tears. Now Jungkook can't understand it, it's not like he is going into the military. They can meet whenever they want, one overnight journey he will be at home.

" Okay, I have to leave today only. Workers will become lazy if I am not there and there are lot of work pending on the farm. I and Jungkook will go meet his cousin, Hobi now. He will come back by evening -"

"No, I am not coming anywhere. I am tired. Tomorrow I have classes "

" But Jungkook you should get familiar with their home too, address and all. How you will go there alone ?"

" Dad come on I am not a kid... I...I can take care of it. You already traveled so much. And please don't worry too much about the farm work. Believe in your workers, they are good. And...mom too, tell her to take her hypertension tablets, properly."

Seokjin silently observes the conversation, knowing it's better not to intervene.

"Okay, I won't trouble you, Seokjin. I will leave then-"

" And without any refreshments? It's not going to happen. Please wait for a little I will set the table. Just have something before leaving, uncle. You have to travel long hours again."

"No, no. I will be going to meet his cousin and family. I will eat there-"

"But I insist, please. Jungkook shi will also feel better "

After his dad agrees they all have pancakes together. They are really good. The awkwardness hit again when his dad left kissing him on the forehead, he might have looked like a kid to Seokjin.

" Hmm, Jungkook shi....is that okay?? I mean do you have any preferences on how I should address you?"

" Jungkook is fine with me "

"Okay, cool. You can call me Hyung, Jin, or Seokjin it's fine "

So not a hierarchy sucker. Good to know. Jungkook thought.

" Yeah "

" I will give you a tour of the apartment...?"

Seokjin asks hesitancy highlighting while Jungkook is busy collecting his stuff from the living room.

" I think it's not needed. I will be spending my time in my room and you in yours. I don't know how to cook so not going to use the kitchen and I am not a balcony lover, you can enjoy your time there and dad told me my room has an attached washroom, so can you show me my room, .......Seokjin "

Jungkook wants to see if that ' I am cool, not being called Hyung from five years younger than me' mask will wave.

" oh....yeah...I guess...hmm...here "

Seokjin walked towards the left, a little passage leading to a room.

" Here your bedroom, I will be in the living room. If you want my help with unpacking don't be shy. You know you can call me "

" My mom has always asked me to keep some shyness, something I lack. And also please knock on the door if you come to talk to me, I don't want you to get surprised seeing me masturbate or something. You know teenager things, Seokjin "

Jungkook pressed his name, but Seokjin was too stunned to even respond. What the hell had he just heard?


Cigarettes after Sex [ Jinkook ]✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt