Chapter 27

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"You think your funny." Mack asks. I try to nod while smilling

"Chris always told me to speak my truth." I say, I'm trying to hold in the quiver in my voice, Mack walks even closer, Mack towers over me by a good foot and a quarter.

"Anyways Callie, are you ready?" Mack asks.

"For what?" I ask, this time I can hear the quiver in my own voice.

"What did you say?"Jordan asks. Eve laughs.

"What's wrong Jordan? You not like a good family reunion?" Eve asks.

"We are nowhere near a family!" I exclaim.

"I second that." Jordan says.

"Jordan no one asked you." Eve says. I am just about done with this conversation.

"Ready for what?" I ask again.

"To come back with me of course!" Mack exclaims almost too happily.

"Yea, about that. I'm not planning on going with you. Because that wasn't in my weekly plans." I joke.

"You might think that. But my weekly plans don't coordinate with yours." he says. I think for a moment, if I word this right it could go in my favor, and not his. I think I matured just a little when I turned 15.

"Wait a second." I say, Mack raises an eyebrow. This will either be a mistake, or this will be both the best and worst thing I will have ever done. I breathe out a long slow breath. "I'll go with you." I say.

"What the hell are you doing!!" Jordan asks.

"Jordan shut up.. please." I say, " I haven't finished my thoughts yet." I say as calmly as I possibly can.

"Continue." Mack says.

"I'll go with you if..." I pause. When I pause I can hear Jordan muttering swears under his breath. "I'll go with you if you never bother Jordan, Chris or Olive again." I say. "Leave them alone and never bother them again and- I'll come back with you." 

"I'll agree to that." Mack says.

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