Chapter 12

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"Bro, what the hell!" I exclaimed,

"Language." Lillie exclaimed. I rolled my eyes, 

"You saw me in your vision or whatever you call it," Lyssa nodded, "With a man at my side?" Lyssa nodded again. I was thinking of walking away, I thought that this was utter nonsense but Lyssa and Lillie looked pretty serious, Something buzzed and Lillie looked at her phone, 

"Sorry guys I got to go, my mom wants me home," Lillie said, 

"Do you want me to walk with you?" Lyssa asked, Lillie shook her head.

"Nah, I'm good." she said, Lillie put the phone back in her back pocket and walked away, out the door where we came in, 

"Well that's that" Jordan shrugged, I jumped, I forgot he was here.

"So what happens now?" I asked the group.

"Hey! we are not done with this conversation!" Lyssa exclaimed, "You don't know do you?" she asked again, I shook my head, "My visions or whatever your gonna call them always come true. I haven't had one that hasn't happened." Lyssa paused not wanting to finish,

"Well that's jolly" Jordan replied sarcastically, I glared at him but he didn't notice,

"Hey you guys!!" Olive yelled while running towards us, "I found us sleeping bags" she said putting her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath, "Callie I found you a pink one." she laughed, I crossed my arms and blushed, Olive knows I hate the color pink, I think she did it on purpose. "Anyways I'm going to go to sleep, after all it is like 1 in the morning," I didn't realize how tired I was until Olive brought it up. I yawned.

"I'm going to sleep too" I said. Jordan shrugged and Olive waved a hand telling me to follow her, I turned around one last time to tell Jordan goodnight but I saw Lyssa whispering something in his ear, and Jordan's eyes were bigger than I have ever seen them, when they caught me looking they acted like everything was normal, I shrugged it off and continued walking away with Olive.

She pointed at a bright pink sleeping bag, I was about to retort when she lay down in a lighter pink sleeping bag right next to me, I gave up and lay down, however it took a while for me to fall asleep, and when I did, I didn't dream, and I didn't wake up till the next morning.

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