Chapter 18 (Jordan)

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Lillie's mom lets me in after I explain what my business is, apparently her actual name is Alice, and she doesn't know where Lillie is either, she tells me to sit down and I do, then she throws a glass of water in my hand, I smile and thank her.

"So how do you know Lillie?" Alice asks. I think of a quick lie,

"I am Callie's- brother and Callie is Lyssa's friend and Lyssa and Lillie are friends" I cringe at me calling myself Callie's brother but you do what you gotta do.

"Okay and what's your name young man?" Alice asks.

"Jordan" I reply holding a hand out for her to shake, she takes it, and I start to feel really awkward, "So do you remember where you saw her last?" I ask trying to start some sort of conversation.

"Last night" Alice replied. My eyes widened,

"Do you remember where?" I asked again. Alice nodded.

"In her room" she replied, "She walked in and then I scolded her for being late then she said she was at Lyssa's house studying, then I remember her rolling her eyes and walking into her room, I don't remember her coming out though," I raised an eyebrow.

"Do you know what happened next?" I ask hopeful.

"I remember walking to the kitchen to make tea, and then I heard someone open the door and.. I don't remember anything else." She finished, and I had so many questions.

"Can I go look at her room?" I ask.

"Yea just don't mess anything up." she said. I nodded and got up, Alice did as well. She then pointed me in the direction of Lillie's room, When I got in there nothing was out of place, it looked like a normal 15 year old's room I walked over to the window and looked outside, pretty normal, I thought when I stuck my head back inside I looked around. I looked under the bed, in the desk drawers, the closet. Honestly I felt kind of bad going through Lillie's stuff but like I said you do what you gotta do. When I was about to go back and find Alice I paused, something didn't look right, I took a double take on the room, I stepped back until my back hit the door, I looked around one last time until I was sure nothing was missing or out of place, I walked out of the room going to go find Alice. 

When I couldn't find her in the kitchen I looked in the living room, when I looked outside she wasn't there either, when I came back in a black and white cat ran up to me and started circling my ankles, I smiled and went down to pet it, but it meowed and scurried off. I shrugged it off and went to find Alice when I heard someone talking in another room, I put an ear to the door and heard Alice talking to someone over the phone, she was talking kind of quiet but I could still make out a few words. 

"So when are you gonna stop by and visit?" Alice asked someone, " well why wait so long? I know, but with Lillie on your hands won't you have enough to worry about already," I stopped moving and listened, trying to hear anything else that I could, " Look dude I could care less about this Callie girl, yea yea whatever, whoa she could expose you, that's funny coming for you being as you used me so that Sara girl could take my power so you could have it after I quit your stupid organization, oh and I have one quick problem, this kid named Jordan came here looking for Lillie, he said he was Callie's brother, wait keep him here? How am I supposed to do that? That jerk, he hung up on me." I heard Alice finish her conversation and I started backing away from the door very slowly, I was so worried about her coming out the door I didn't realize the table I was slowly walking backwards to. My waist hit the table and I held in a swear, not because it hurt, but because I didn't wanna alert Alice, I failed to do that part, Alice came running out the door, I panicked, "Jordan it's not what you think," she stuttered. I panicked even more, then fear started to set in, I dissipated.

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