Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes and raised my head, I almost fell forward while letting the air slowly refill my lungs. 

"What did I tell you?" Jordan scolded.

"Yea yea whatever" I said pissed. Jordan shook his head smiling, probably happy that he was right. "So who was that?" I asked.

"That was Eve, I saw her once shes one of Mack's you know favorites, you could call them." he said.

"I think she wanted to kill me." I told Jordan,

"I think most of them will" he replied, I looked at him eyes wide, my mouth hanging open, 

"Most of them?" I repeated.

"There you guys are!" Chris exclaimed, following close behind him, Olive.

"We found directions, What happened to you?" Olive asked pointing at me.

"Don't ask." I replied. she shrugged.

"Anyways the nearest actual city is miles away," Olive said.

"How many?" I asked in return. She looked down.


"Yea yea. I know. where are we going?" Jordan asked Olive.

"As far West as you can go, that's were the nearest city is," Olive told him.

"Don't forget about Eve." I told everyone "She can control plants to her will. So Jordan no forests." 

"That's going to be a problem." Olive said playing with her fingers while her face flushed a violent shade of red. 

"Don't tell me the only way to get there is if we are surrounded by forest?!?" I exclaimed. She nodded. 

"Is there a road leading there at least?" Jordan asked. Olive thought about it for a moment before nodding.

"I believe so." she replied, "We just have to find it." she continued.

"I think I saw it." I said crossing my arms, "Seconds before Eve found me." Jordan nodded.

"Where?" Jordan asked.

"Where she caught me." I blushed.

"So we could be going into a trap?" Chris asked, I forgot Chris was here, Jordan nodded.

"What if Jordan vanishes far enough from the sign and goes farther onto the road so we potentially miss Eve" Olive suggests. I shrug, 

"It could work," I paused. "That is if Jordan does it far enough away." we all look at him in perfect unison and he has no choice but to agree. I put my hand on his shoulder and so does Chris and Olive. Jordan dissipated and we reappeared on a road no longer in the town but far away. "I think it worked." I said, everyone agreed, 

"Okay Olive which way?" Chris asked. She pointed a head of us, and that's the direction we started walking.

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