Chapter 20 (Ivory)

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Callie was shorter than I had first thought, a couple inches shorter than Jordan but still, short. None of them could see me watching when Callie was practicing something, by the looks of it though long range, probably. But then I heard 2 people coming closer and closer so I hid where they couldn't see me, after waiting for them to pass I popped out from my hiding place. I watched Jordan disappear and that's when I got bored and left to find something to do. I found a bottle and kicked around until I lost it down a drain. Still being meters away from them I could still hear their whole conversation, sometimes it sucks having all your senses enhanced, other times not, like if there's a fire, I'll smell it, even if it's meters away. It's always been that way, I hate it. But you learn to live with it. The sad news is that I have my limits, all powered people do. I ain't the only one. The only fact though, is that kicking a glass bottle isn't stopping my ears from hearing things falling and people yelling at each other from a entirely different building.  I don't remember at when it happened exactly, but I somehow wound up back in the building where I saw Jordan, but by the time I came back to my senses, I noticed everyone was gone. 

I went investigating.

I don't know what for, but I felt like something could help Jordan or Callie find whoever this Lillie person was. During the conversation I heard the name Sara, don't know who that is but I have a feeling like I probably don't want to know. 

"Who the hell are you?" someone asked from behind me, my eyes widened, how come I didn't hear them?  I usually hear everything but for some reason I couldn't hear this person slowly approaching me, "Excuse me! I asked who are you?" I slowly turned around to see who it is, it's a somewhat tall girl with long dark hair, with eyes as bluer than the sky. her hands laid crossed tight around her chest and she looked kind of pissed off. "I will ask you one more time, who are you?!" the girls voice started to get louder, too loud. I put my hands on my ears to try to soften the noise. The girl raises an eyebrow.

"My names Ivory." I finally say. The girl smiles.

"My names Olive, pleased to meet you Ivory." Olive says holding out a hand for me to shake. I hesitate, Like being able to hear things from far away places, I can also feel things in people that someone else for instance might not notice, like shaking someones hand or giving someone a hug. I might feel a temperature, or every once in a while a heartbeat. I make up my mind and lightly take Olive's hand to shake, her hand is ridiculously cold, so cold that I shiver a little bit, Olive tilts her head, curiously, I mimic the action also curious, until I hear someone approaching from behind me, I whip around and there are two more people, one is the same height as Olive, but his hair is the slightest bit lighter, his eyes are the same shade of blue as Olive's as well, the girl however, looks somewhat the same as them both except her hair is more on the black side, maybe not black, black, but like a light black.

"Olive, what, you made a new friend already? Geez." one of them says, I turn to Olive, and her smile widens.

"Hey guys!" she exclaims, running over, I track her movements, as she stops, giving the boy a hug, then the other tiny girl. Olive says something to the both of them, lucky for me, I hear every word.

"This is my friend, her name is Ivory and she just showed up." Olive says, I decide to creep them out a little bit.

"Are you sure we are friends? We just met." I say to the three of them. They all look surprised, especially the tiny one, who raises an eyebrow, 

"Pardon?" Olive questions.

"I said. Are you sure we are friends? We just met, also I didn't just show up, I've been here for a while." I say, they all glance at each other. "Also can you guys not talk that loud I'm right here." 

"We aren't talking loud." The boy says. "If anything we might even be whispering." He continues.

"Yea Yea whatever," I say.

"Oh, Ivory. This is Chris," Olive says, pointing at the boy. He waves. "And that's Callie," Olive says pointing at the girl, she doesn't wave, she just stares me down, it's almost like she's trying to burn a hole into my brain. Something behind them makes me look past them both though, a cardinal, sitting on a medal pole, Olive notices me looking at it, she turns around, only she doesn't see anything. It's Because what I'm looking at is not possible to see with the human eye.

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