Chapter 22

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I don't like her, I think to myself, I feel like she's up to something,

"Aw, Come on Callie, why are you looking at Ivory like that?" Olive asks.

"I don't like her." I reply, crossing my arms across my chest. 

"You don't like anybody," Chris states.

"Yea well, I'm not really a trusting person, if you get what I'm trying to say?" I retort. Olive shakes her head, "Where did Jordan go, he's so much more fun to talk to." I say sassing them both.  

"I don't know." Olive says.

"He's kicking things." Ivory says, I give her the evil eye. She backs off.

"What do you mean, he's kicking things?" Olive asks.

"I can hear him, he sounds pretty mad." Ivory says.

"How can you hear him, and I can't?" Chris asks.

"I have better senses than you all do. All five of them." Ivory replies. She continues, "I can hear far away, I can break glass, I can smell things others can't, I can also see things from very far,  and when I touch people I can feel things that others can't like, feelings and emotions." Ivory finishes and to be honest I am kind of feeling a little jealous. "Callie happy birthday by the way!" Ivory says happily. I raise an eyebrow, "How old are you turning again?" Ivory asks.

"15." I mumble.

"Sorry I couldn't hear that." Ivory mocks. I tighten my hands into fists.

"15," I say again.

"Can't hear you." Ivory responds. 

"15." I say feeling my fire slowly start to rise, my anger slowly overpowering me. Not good. "Shut up." I say. Ivory smiles, she knows.

"Do you still not like me?" she asks. I give her the stare.

"No I don't like you." I say. 

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