Chapter 3

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I have been walking around for what seemed like forever, I sat down by a tree and lay my head back against it, it happened in the span of a couple seconds I felt something wrapping around by body getting tighter and tighter, I looked down, they were vines I tried to move but I couldn't, I felt it slowly squeezing the air out of me, 

"Callie so nice to meet you in person, Mack says your strong, but all I see is a tiny little girl who likes to rely on other people" someone said I looked around, but there was no one there, "Ha up here silly," they said, I looked up and they were sitting in the tree legs hanging off then a vine started carrying her down and down to the floor she got off of the vine and walked over, I tried to break free but it was no use, instead it just squeezed tighter. She crouched down and looked me in the eye, I tried to think of a mad thought but the vines were distracting me, "Anyways, my names Eve, pleased to meet you" She said holding out her hand for me to shake, she tilted her head and I saw my hand being forced up towards her hand to shake I tried to fight against it but I couldn't, I tried to pull my hand away but whatever she could do was stronger than what I could do. She let go of my hand and my arm slowly fell back to my side. I tried to get loose again but failed, the vines just kept getting tighter and tighter, I felt like closing my eyes for a little bit but I fought the urge to, Is this what it's like to die?  I thought to myself. Then I felt a hand close on my shoulder, "No!" I heard Eve scream. 

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