Chapter 19

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45 minutes. That's how long it took for Jordan to get back to the group. His face was expressionless 

"You look like you didn't get any presents for Christmas," I remarked, Jordan didn't respond, instead he put his hands in his pockets and walked away, Olive ran to catch up with him.

"Chris where have you been?" I asked attempting to change the subject. 

"I was with Lyssa trying to find Lillie." he replied, I smiled.

"Yea sure." I mocked. 

"She Lied to us!!!" Jordan yelled from inside the building then I heard things falling over, someones mad,  I thought, I ran inside to find Jordan jumping and reappearing everywhere, Olive was trying to look for him but every time the turned to look at him he just jumped again, 

"Jordan calm down!" I said trying to find him like Olive was doing, "Your too angry. You need to calm the hell down" I couldn't make eye-contact with him, every time I found him he just jumped again, I was starting to get mad too. Something fell over behind me and I turned around and there were cans of something rolling all over the floor, at this point Lyssa and Chris were watching what was happening as well, their eyes going back and forth  trying to find where he would appear next. 

"C-a-l-l-i-e" I could hear Jordan I just couldn't see him. "I'-m g-o-i-ng t-o  t-h-r-o-w -up" Jordan said again his voice kept going in and out with each jump, 

"Hey Olive?" I asked, she looked at me eyes wide. "Do you think it's possible for Jordan to get stuck in between jumps?" at the possibility of that happening her eyes only got bigger. All at once he stopped jumping and just stood there breathing fast muttering stuff to himself, "Jordan?" I asked, the guy looked like he wanted to kick something. I tapped him on the shoulder and he jumped. 

"Sorry" he apologized walking back over. 

"why the hell did you do that." I asked.

"Sara is a bi-" he's says, talking so quietly I can't hear.

"Dude I can't hear a word your saying, if your that mad about whatever happened, go like punch and kick a tree or something" I suggested. Jordan considered the idea, 

"Callie," he said, I looked at him, he looked serious.

"Remember Sara?" he asked again, 

"Yea, I remember, when we left her in the hands of my dad and I remember it being your fault." I scolded. He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, 

"She didn't want to come with us, that's not my fault" he retorted, this time it was my turn to cross my arms,

"Well we could've gone back for her or something!" I replied  little louder. Jordan rolled his eyes.

"Well what did you want me to do?" he asked " go back then we all get caught again." I felt my face get hot, "and besides" Jordan continued, "Sara was working for Mack the whole time, in case you wanted to know," Jordan finished and I felt like collapsing. Jordan walked closer to me and whispered in my ear, "she lied to all of us Callie, that's how life works, and by the way the only reason I am as pissed as I am is because I would have trusted Sara with my life, if it would have come to that and Lillie's mom Alice is hiding something, so you go find out what it is because I am not going back there again, alright" Jordan finished and then jumped.

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