Chapter 25

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Why did Jordan have to go so far out into the woods? I told Chris and Olive to stay while me and Ivory went to see if Jordan was okay, we started running though after Ivory said to have heard Jordan talking to some people I didn't know. Eve who I have already met, and a Cameron who I don't know.

"Ivory where is he?" I ask panicked. 

"Shut up, your voice is the only thing I've been hearing for the last three minutes!" Ivory scolds. I roll my eyes, "this way." she says. Suddenly Ivory stops,

"What?" I ask.

"I don't hear him anymore." Ivory says looking at me.

" I thought you could hear anything?" I ask her in a mocking tone. 

"Damn." I hear Ivory whisper. I look around, 

"Anything?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"This is gonna sound really dumb, but what if we split up?" Ivory suggests. I remember what happened last time I split up with Jordan, Olive and Chris. 

"Yea let's not do that." I say.

"What you scared?" Ivory asks.

"Nah, I just don't feel like almost dying again."

"Ha okay... Wait what do you mean again?" 

"Nothing, don't worry about it." I say.

"Wait stop talking, I hear them again." I immediately stop talking. "This way." Ivory says. she starts walking and I follow her. Ivory smiles,

"Why are you smiling?" I ask her, she puts a finger to her lips, as a signal telling me to shut up. Suddenly I hear it too, a man, talking with someone else, I walk towards it a quietly as I can, Ivory puts a hand on my wrist as an act to try to stop me, but me being the difficult; now 15 year old that I am. I shove her hand of and go to investigate.

I hide behind a tree watching as Jordan sits on the floor covered in vines. Eve standing next to him and another boy standing a few feet away from, assuming it's the kid named Cameron, I move closer. It's just too people, how hard can this be? I sneak a peek at Jordan, he's looking directly at me, and he's slowly shaking his head no. He knows what I'm thinking and he does not think it's a good idea. 

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