Chapter 9

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I walked through all of the people that sat either talking or staring at me watching me walk around through the rows and rows of people, someone caught my eye I thought it was Jordan or Chris but whoever they were, they were just standing there looking at something, either at me or something past me. I turned to look at them and there was that girl again except her friend wasn't with her she was alone and her eyes followed my every move. I attempted to move inconspicuously through the rows and rows of people slowly going closer to the girl, when I got to the spot where she was, the girl was no longer there. I was going to drop it and walk away then someone grabbed my arm and started pulling me back into a room that was behind me, I was hoping that Chris or Olive or someone noticed what was going on but no one seemed to notice what was happening I tried to pull against them but they were strong, when we both were completely in the room the door shut and  the girl let go, I called my fire in an instant, and it felt stronger than before. I turned around to face the girl and her face was a mix of scared and curious. I walked towards the door carefully watching the girl, I tried to find the door handle but my hand failed to find it, I snuck a quick glance at the door to find the handle but wherever the handle was before it was gone. 

"What do you want?" I asked, my eyes searching the girl for a weak point. Instead of answering she smiled, I raised an eyebrow, the girls eyes darted left and then there were two of the girl, no wait 5, no 10. I spun around counting all of the girls in the room, one, two, five, ten, fifteen. The numbers just kept going up, 

"Who are you?" they all asked in unison,

"I could ask you the same question." I replied, if only I could find the real one, I thought to myself.

"I-" she paused, at once all the clones or whoever they were all disappeared and she was the only one that was left, "I-I came to tell you something." she stuttered, she looked down and started playing with her fingers, I thought happy and my fire started going away, I walked towards her but she just stood there no longer acknowledging my presence, only when I tapped her on the shoulder did she remember I was in the room.  

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