I pulled my bag out of the wardrobe and got the costume right in front of them.
„I thought it would match our trio if I just go as a ghost! What do you think?"
„I thought you would dress as a zombie or a fantasy creature."
„Or an animal!"
„Why would I go as an animal if you already got werewolf? Besides, I'm a scare for most colleagues, so I'd thought it fit."
„So a cuddled obsessed werewolf, an overprotective Vampire and a Ghost who loves to scare people away?"
„That sounds like an interesting story!"
„We can imagine a story like this for the children if they want to hear a new one. I'm sure that the old storybooks are not so popular."

We took turns in changing inside the bathroom, since they slowly also have an understanding by what it means to be embarrassed for being „naked". In a sense they would after taking off their clothes. The Endo is their bones and veins after all.
Mine took longer to finish, since I had to make my hair more tussled and put white make up all over the places my skin is noticeable. Especially the lips. Julia can't see the swelling if there isn't one noticeable. Once I was finally happy with what I created, I noticed that the time. It was about to start at lunch time and end at dinner, so we can all rest well before driving back tomorrow. My eyes wandered to the bucket of water with the jellyfish. It doesn't seem that they take effect from the water yet, but who knows if they survive the car ride?

The dining room was full with balloons and decorations. The food was shaped in Halloween things and all the ones who were already down were in a costume. It seems though that none of the other animatronics got a costume. That's kind of sad to see. Didn't the mechanics think of that? Julia stood in the middle of the room talking to Roxy and Chica. She had a zombie costume on and for a short Moment guilt tripped me yet again. What would have happened if Ennard killed her? Would she look like this by now? I twitched when Sun put his hand on my shoulder, looking confused while smiling to me.
„You stopped walking, are you alright?"
„A-ah...yes. Just lost in thoughts."
„About what?"

I don't want them to remember the bloody corpses again...
„Just possibilities. Oh! I wanted to ask: do you get hungry Sunny? Since you act more...like a human."
„Hunger? I don't feel any stomach pain, so I don't think so?"
„Are you sure? You seemed to sometimes watch your stomach area."
„Because it feels weird, but it's not painful."
„So you do feel Hunger already..."
„Is it bad?"
„...that just means that I have to work with Michael fast."
„Because that weird feeling can develop into pain sooner than the bodies would be ready."

Sunny's rays went inside his head, holding now his stomach.
„I-I don't like this..."
„I don't like it that we haven't found the reason for it yet."
„And we can't ask for help, since your coding problem would be revealed."
„...Didn't Chica had the same problem with food?"
„Right! I will go talk to her and ask what her technicians did! Enjoy yourself with the others as well, okay?"
„Okay dokey!"
„If that's what you want..."
I walked up to Julia and the girls, trying to keep my smile while the stare of Roxy turned to a death stare towards me.

„So you are a ghost since you ghosted me yesterday?"
„Sorry. I had to talk to Sun and Moon a lot."
„Only talking?"
„You're gonna turn me into a ghost to soon."
„Oh Y/N! It has been a while since we last talked!"
„Yes it did...can I ask you something?"
She looked to Roxy and Julia, but walked with with me a bit away from the others.
„What's wrong?"
„First of all: thank you for...not telling on me and stepping up."
„Who told you that?"

She laughed awkwardly and changed gazes with Roxy.
„It wasn't nice...to fight with the rest, but it is better than being burned in the Pizzaplex."
„I wouldn't let that happen! We would have just put coats over you and-„
„Than how are we able to swap bodies? If they don't get made in the Pizzaplex, how will our bodies change?"
I haven't thought about that. Maybe because my mind was busy thinking of other problems. How we finish the bodies in time or the coding problem with Sun and Moon. Swapping their bodies and how we do it never crossed my mind these days.
„Michael will figure it out, but I really have to ask you something...how did the technicians of yours fix your immense hunger?"

She blinked confused and looked back to me.
„They gave me a stomach hatch and reduced my senses, why are you asking?"
„...promise not to tell anyone?"
„Of course!"
„...Sunny...slowly feels hungry too and I am scared if it might hurt him."
„But...Julia and the others could help him!"
„No...his coding got different and I am scared that he will get dismantled for that..."
„Different in how?"
„Instead numbers there are words and I don't trust anyone else with him."
„Words?! But...how can he still function?"
„I don't know and I am happy that he is."
„Well...I don't know how to fix that code thing...but maybe he can start by drinking? It helped me a lot before my beak couldn't get any big pieces down."

So there is no real way to give him food for the next two months...he could eat baby food, but I don't think that he has a stomach hatch, nor the throat to let something slide down.
„Thanks anyways."
„Don't stress yourself, I'm sure everything will be alright!"
Just as she finished her sentence, the lights suddenly turned off. It wasn't a big deal since it was in the middle of the day, but the scene before our eyes was. Freddy pushed Sun to the ground, Moon already ready to punch him. I run up to them and stopped him from putting more dells into Freddy's body. I don't know the situation, but it must have been because of a non understanding issue. But as I looked closer, my whole body began to tremble. Cold sweat bought down my make up for my costume. Not that I would need any to be pale white of fear.

Freddy's eyes are purple. The same purple eyes and massive grin I thought and hoped it wouldn't be there anymore. That he really got decommissioned. Moon didn't seem to notice it, but I did.
He stared up with a massive grin, seemingly to absorb my endless fear.
„Missed me?"

Happy new year everyone! And I'm sorry for leaving a cliffhanger like this, but I will definitely continue to write in the next year!

Now to personal stuff you can just skip:
I'm really busy right now to get my driving license so I can get a better sleep schedule as five hours each school day (since I have to drive two-three hours each morning to get to school), so I'm really sorry for not being able to keep up with the writing. I planned on making only 55 chapters for this story, so I need to bring all the plotwist on a really tight programming.
I also can't write happy things if I am not happy myself, so I also apologize for stealing all your hope to have a fluffy chapter each time I drag you down with angst and conflicts. I just hope it will be better once I get enough rest to breath in and out without fearing my every move.

Sorry for venting in my story line this, so If you have read so far, you can also share your stress if you want! It would be an honor to hear what other people go through every day. Maybe we don't feel so alone than anymore. Just write in the comments or write privately or do nothing at all. I just wish for all of you to be happy and to have a good new year.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Part 2 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ