Miss Vampire [Wheesun]

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Solar POV

Solar: You are a vampire too...yet you betrayed me!"

I held onto my bleeding arm and fell down on my knees looking at the one person I use to love, Eric Nam.

"You got me wrong this whole time, Yongsun...I love the throne...not you."

I smirked and got up stabbing him in the chest with my claw, he look at me shocked and pushed me away. I won't let him get the throne...if I die he'll die alongside with me!

Solar: Guess none of us is getting the throne Eric!"

I laughed crazily and pushed him off the cliff, I know he is dead...he can't survive this...and soon I'll end in the same place as him, I took out my ring and cast a spell on it...engraving my body in the ring, this...is my only hope to survive...

Solar: I wonder...who will be the lucky one who find me..."

{1000 years later}

Wheein POV

"Miss Jung? Here's the data of the company sales you asked for. If there's anything else please call for me."

I shook my head and looked at the door pointing to it, it's only been a month since I inherited this company...but all this clients is getting me fed up.

Hwasa: "Wheein, you need to have a break for real."

Wheein: "Are you going to help me with all this documents? If not please just be quiet Hyejin."

Hwasa: "Ouch! So cold...we grew up together give some love Wheein..."

I smiled at her silliness and got up giving her a finger flick on her forehead, she have been the only person who made me happy no matter what happen...I'm grateful to have a wonderful friend like her.

Wheein: "Shall we get some food? My treat!"

Hwasa: "Finally! Let's get some crab meat broth!"

And...we did have a great night, we decided to go to her house for a small sleepover since it's been forever...and that's when a beautiful object caught my eyes.

Wheein: "Hyejin...look at the ring this shop is selling!"

I quickly pulled her over and pointed to the ring that was as red as blood, it was beautiful...and I really want it!

Hwasa: "That ring is like blood, are you sure you want it?"

Wheein: "Of course! It's like a ruby ring! So pretty."

I went home that day being happy with the new item I got, I have no idea why but something tell me this ring is very special...I took it out from the box and wore it and...something strange happen...my finger started bleeding but I didn't feel any pain...a bunch of bats flew in and on front of me was a lady.

Solar: "Who...awoke me...from my slumber."

Wheein: "YAH! GHOST!!!!!!"

Solar: "Ghost? I'm far more powerful than a ghost...how dare belittle me!"

I stare at her in shock and when she open her mouth...I immediately blacked out...

Solar POV

So this little thing is the one who awoken me from the ring, I wonder how long have I been asleep for.

Solar: "I have to admit, her home is very...unique."

What is she holding? This rectangle shaped item...what does it do? How does this function...is it a weapon?

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