Demon's cupid(HwaByulSun)

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Bold Italic=Wheein

>Top/Demon queens: HwaByul<
>Bottom/none demon slayer: Solar<

•Demon Slayer AU•

Warning: Yandere, Wheesun angst, manipulative Hwabyul, kidnapping and abuse

Solar POV

" careful, being a demon slayer is a dangerous job".

"I know that! Which is why I'm even doing this in the first place!"

This idiotic girl, she's always so careless and yet she wants to behead demons...I hope nothing happens to my younger sister, I'm begging you god please keep her safe...she is my last family member and I want her to reach her dreams.

"When will you be home?"

"Probably 3 days later, remember to keep some wisteria around".

"Don't worry".

This village have been a danger zone to us humans, we are located near a deadly forest with demons hiding, Wheein said that no one is allowed in the forest...she herself tried to fight the demon off but they disappeared all the time when she entered.


I'm not like Wheein, I'm weak and I could hardly protect myself...I'm just a normal girl who walks around the village and talk to others...but sometimes I always feel like...someone is watching me, it's creepy...and usually at night they are extremely near me, it's just a feeling's scary to think someone is stalking you.

«Solar, hey...can we hang out»

" know what happened if you hang out with me"

«Curses...who even believe in those, I don't believe that I'll die after talking to you»

But it's true, everyday someone in this village dies...or goes missing...and they usually speak to me first, my I was going insane at the thought of someone dying because of me...I couldn't think of what could be worse than that.

"Sorry...but no".

I ignored him and walked away, sometimes I wonder...who would do such cruel thing to human beings, other than demons of course...I mean what do they take life for, I walked around the village and looked at the mirror...that's when I saw someone holding an umbrella and staring at me...I quickly ran after her, eager to find out why is she stalking me.

"STOP! Wait...please...tell me why are you stalking me!"

She ran inside the forest despite my warnings, I stood outside...wanting to know if I should follow her in...I took a deep breath and ran inside without a second thought, I look throughout the forest and finally catch up with her.


«Blood demon art: shadow sneak»

A demon...crap, I've tried my best to evade it's attack...but who am I kidding here, a human defending itself from a demon...impossible, it grabbed onto my arm and I felt head was fuzzy and I fell to the ground.

When I woke up...I was in a strange place, there were no doors and clearly the floor was...everywhere, I was tied up and was locked inside a cage, I started panicking...that demon kidnapped me.

"Finally~ Our pet have awoke from her slumber".

I used my elbow to push me up from the ground, I looked around and saw two ladies standing in front of the cage, they are not normal...they are clearly demons, strong one too...but...I wouldn't have imagined them to be the lords of demons.

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