Race against time

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"You contradicting bastard..." the ginger mumbled as he sighed. The brunette laughed awkwardly and apologised. "Sorry...I have to attend this meeting and give those old mans a shock of their life but don't worry, just call my name and I'll be by your side in a blink of an eye." Chuuya nodded as he glanced back at his book. It was about Greek Mythology. It already yellow pages filled with wisdom bind by red and smooth leather with a lone leaf engraved on the front of the book. There were Greek gods too, like Ares and Zeus. It was interesting to learn about them but when you have a god protecting you and is by your side 24/7, it isn't that interesting anymore. Despite that, Chuuya still loved reading it. It was a great pass time as well. Coughing a few times, he waved at the brunette who was waving goodbye to him before jumping out of the window. Taking a sip of water, Chuuya placed his book down and opened his room door thinking of getting a bite. He was met with a small square sized paper on the floor. It was Oda telling Chuuya he was going out. Chuuya had the whole house for himself! When the ginger was about to jump up in jubilation, his eagerness disappeared as fast as it came and was replaced by fear. He was alone and if someone attacked and he's rendered unable to talk, he would be in real danger. Now that he thought about it, Fyodor could see gods and other creature's which normal people couldn't as well. Upon thinking about that, Chuuya totally forgotten about 'getting a bite' and closed his door silently aa he slouched in his comfortable chair and picked up his half way finished book and continued reading. Due to his anxiousness and fear, every sudden creaks ans thuds in the house made Chuuya mentally jump and glance around his room before continuing with his book. However, after a while, Chuuya was too engrossed in his book to bother about anything else. He did hear faint knocking but he thought it was the main door and decided to leave it and whoever who was knocking with it. Better safe than sorry was what the ginger thought. Chuuya was sadly mistaken and didn't hear his door opening and light footsteps on the floor board. He only realised when slim fingers gripped his shoulder tightly.


On Dazai's side, the brunette was going to attend 'silent whispers'. To make it easier, it 'a god meeting', for gods who are not locked up, sealed away or dead to meet. This meeting only happens thrice a decade. Today was just one of those days and Dazai was thinking of going there and scaring the living daylights out of all the gods there because they didn't know he was out. He was thinking of cursing them too for locking them in there for 15 years. It might not seem like a lot of years but it actually was. Dazai had no idea why he was locked up in the first place. You might think that gods and cursing don't go together at all but that doesn't mean they don't. The meeting was held in a forest and there was a small clearing in the middle of the forest which only gods can see so as to prevent humans from entering accidently. Only humans like Chuuya could see it. Dazai was currently walking through a long tunnel enveloped by a gentle blue light. He was just glancing around and observing the lights before he saw a oak table a few meters away. Upon seeing that, Dazai floated instead of walking into the room. The few gods which arrived early didn't notice the brunette and was eagerly talking. Roots intertwined and surrounded the room. A small tree illuminating yellow light in the middle of the table. Noticing a protruding root at the top,  Dazai delightedly sat on it. It was the perfect view. He could see the whole room and a table in the middle. A small grin crept up Dazai's face as he leaned on a root behind him. The small grin turned into a mischievous one when he imagined the faces of all the gods. Dazai snickered. "God of wealth, luck, plants and weather.... "The brunette mumbled to himself,  observing the gods sitting around the table. "I hope that tiny dream god doesn't come. " he grimaced at the thought of it. Speak of the devil,  a small god came in after a while. Greetings were heard and Dazai put up a disgusted face.

Soon after Benjiro entered, the rest of the gods came in and the table was filled up, leaving about 5 chairs empty. It seemed that  the god of wealth was the host this time and he did introductions.

True wishes  (Soukoku)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt