Adoption loop

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"P..please go away..." the ginger-haired stuttered as he turned abruptly and started running as fast as his short legs could take him. "Come on kid...don't be afraid. Your mom asked me to take you home!" The last sentence was loud and demanding. 8 year-old Chuuya ignored and continued running. He didn't want to listen. He didn't want to see. He didn't want to speak. He was scared. Very scared. That's until he bumped into someone. "Chuuya? I was searching for you everywhere. Where were you?" 

"Mum, there's a one eyed man chasing me." The white haired lady glanced around as she lifted a brow. "Where is he? I don't see anyone. Ignore him. Let's go home." Chuuya looked back at the one eyed man, a big smile on his face who was waving goodbye at him. Chuuya looked back as his mother grabbed his hand and brought him back home. 


"This boy is sick in the mind! He claims he sees things but there's nothing!" Chuuya brought his knees to his chest as he buried his head into his knees. Why won't anyone believe him. Why won't anyone believe that there was 'things' he could see but it seems other people can't. At the age of nine, the Nakahara couple left Chuuya and he was adopted by a sweet and calming couple. It didn't last long though, he was abandoned by the Yuu couple again after a few months and Chuuya was by himself again. He knew he had to keep it to himself. Not tell anyone. Despite that, Chuuya still let it slip out sometimes. Especially when the 'things' resemble humans. Chuuya would think that it really was a real person and talk about it. He only realised his mistake when his parents and friends told him they couldn't see anything. When the Sato couple adopted him, that happened a few times.


"Chuuya dear, why did you take 4 pairs of cutlery?" The raven-haired lady asked. The ginger pointed at one of the empty chairs, "There's a guest with us!" The couple glanced at each other before the lady spoke up again. "Darling...there's no one there..." The ginger's eyes widened as he stared at his own two feet and quickly apologized and placed the cutlery down and went to his room. His mom and dad glanced at each other concerningly as they sat down to eat dinner, leaving Chuuya alone for a while. The 'thing' on the seat tilted his head as it followed Chuuya across the hallways. When Chuuya sighed and massaged his temples, he caught a glimpse of the 'thing' entering his room. He glanced to the opposite side of the room as he felt the figure's cold and slim hand grab his shoulder as he continued ignoring the 'thing' obviously interested in the ginger head. "You can see me, can't you?" The voice was high pitched and sounded breathless. Chuuya shuddered as he stood up abruptly and left his room, closing the door silently behind him. He heard a loud scream as he tried to ignore it as he made his way to the dining table, obviously shaken. Faking a smile, he ate his dinner silently with the couple in front of him, giving him a confused look.


He was again alone when the Sato couple gave up on him and his 'sort called' weird sightings in their house. They kept Chuuya the longest though, one and 6 months. Chuuya actually thought this family would last but he was obviously deeply mistakened. A few weeks after they gave up on Chuuya, they were murdered. However, the weird part was that there was no evidence and the couple were on the floor, pale and empty inside. No organs, no blood and no flesh. Nothing left. Even their eyeballs were gone. It was an unsolved case. Some people said it was a paranormal incident but the rest didn't believe it. Chuuya did though, he knew who killed them after all. The couple, after kicking Chuuya out, didn't continue putting offerings on the small table for their house god and the spirit got angry and killed them. Gruesome way to kill. Chuuya became more fearful of spirits now and it didn't help when he was alone again. His records from the orphanage said a total of 3 families abandoned him and one couple died after adopting him. No one dared to adopt him again so he was one of the few left in the orphanage.

A few months passed and Chuuya managed to spot a difference between people and the 'things'. The 'things' always had dilated eyes and looked hazy and dead. Those were for the skillful spirits who could resemble humans. The other ones were easy to spot since it looked inhuman already.

The ginger was obviously ecstatic when a man actually wanted to adopt him. He mentally cursed at the receptionist who kept on telling that man that he was an outcast.

"You sure you want that boy? He's said to be crazy." The receptionist said Chuuya knew the man wouldn't want to adopt him anymore as he made his way back to his room but was shocked when the man answered with a, "I'm pretty sure he's not crazy and has a reason for his actions. Now, please don't make me repeat myself, I want that kid." The receptionist sighed as he nodded and mumbled an apology to the man as he turned around to get Chuuya, who he expected to be in his room. The receptionist almost jumped when he saw the ginger glaring at him. The receptionist put up a smile, knowing that Chuuya heard their whole conversation. He mumbled curses as he went and took Chuuya's hand but his hand was slapped away as he ran to the counter. The man looked down and a warm smile creeped onto his face. "You must be 11 year old Chuuya. Nice to meet you, I'm Oda Sakunosuke, your new guardian." Chuuya kept silent as the receptionist rubbed his hand painfully. It was his fault but he wanted to take it on Chuuya so he placed his hand on Chuuya's shoulder, gripping it hard. His dirty, sharp nails pierced into the ginger's shoulder. The young ginger winced as he gave a cold glare to the receptionist who ignored it and started talking to the red-haired who we all know as Oda. Oda didn't see it at first but he saw pain plastered all over the boy's face. His eyes glanced at the receptionist's hand as his eyes narrowed. "Sorry sir, can you let go of the boy?" The receptionist clicked his tongue in annoyance, as he put up a fake smile and started, "I don't think I can do that. Chuuya likes running away so I must look out for him." The ginger started in disbelief. Never in his life has he run away from the orphanage. He stared with pleading eyes at Oda and prayed that the red-haired man didn't believe the receptionist's words. Oda obviously noticed those eyes and smiled, grabbing Chuuy's hand gently in his big ones and pulling the ginger away from the receptionist. "If that's so, I'll hold him. I need to get along with him after all. Is that okay?" Chuuya sighed in relief as he smirked at the receptionist. The receptionist was trying to keep his cool as he put up the ugliest smile Chuuya has ever seen in his life as the man opposite him nodded, taking some papers from the cabinet in the other room. Oda took the chance and checked on Chuuya's shoulder to see a few droplets of blood coming from the piercing mark, he sighed as he comforted Chuuya by ruffling his hair. The ginger smiled as the receptionist came back with a sour face. As Oda signed the papers, the receptionist kneeled down to Chuuya's height and whispered in his ear, "Make sure your scary ass doesn't get you back into this orphanage or you'll regret it." The man stood up, hitting Chuuya rather hard on the back as he stood up. But Chuuya smirked when he saw the receptionist's eyes widen. "Uh...S..sir, it's not what it looks like-" He was cut off when he saw Oda looking darkly at him. "Well, I'm certain that Nakahara won't be coming back here again. One more wrong action and you're going to regret it." 

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