The special encounter

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"Chuuya can you go out and buy me some soy sauce?" A red-haired male called out as he knocked on the ginger's room door. The door opened instantly as a ginger-head came out and nodded silently. "Leave the soy sauce if you're in danger, okay?" The red haired had a tint of concern in his voice. Nodding again and saying a goodbye, Chuuya left the room with his earphones stuck in his ears, the ginger relishing the music entering his ears as he pulled his hood up, shielding his face from the sun. He slowly made his way to the grocery store near his house.

Scanning the shelves of soya sauces, Chuuya hastily picked up one bottle he recognised the brand and walked away quickly. He hoped that the black figure behind him didn't know he saw it. Despite Oda's advice to leave the soya sauce and run, Chuuya didn't want to do that since he didn't want Oda worrying about him and not having that slight saltiness in his dinner that night. He paid for that bottle and his soul almost left his body as he did his best to maintain his composure. Ignoring the snake-like figure that was latched on the cashier lady's neck, it's greenish purplish scaly tail wrapped around the lady's arm when she scanned the barcode on the bottle. Breathing deeply, Chuuya passed the money to the lady, his hand slightly shaking as he was close to snatching the plastic bag from the lady's hands. He left the store with a sigh in relief that he could finally go back home.

Chuuya saw all kinds of creatures, different shapes, sizes and colors. Ignoring was the safest call. Since no one else could see them, they won't believe you and even call you crazy when you tell them there's a zombie dog latching on to their leg. Chuuya learned the hard way that he shouldn't try to be a hero. He tried to get a 'bug' off a lady's hair once but he ended up pulling off the poor lady's wig. Oda, who saw that, stifled a laugh before apologizing to the lady. Chuuya decided not to do anything to the 'things' which stalk humans for who knows what reasons. The ginger learnt that the creatures will follow humans for a specific reason. Some of them were to bring them to hell and some were protective spirits. Chuuya had to admit he saw more devils than angels. He told Oda for the first time that he could see 'things' other people can't when he turned 13. He wasn't thinking of telling Oda but he had to when Chuuya suddenly had a bite mark on his leg which was given by a creature because he provoked it. Chuuya obviously dreaded the thought that he would be sent back to the orphanage but for the very first time, someone believed him. Sadly, Oda couldn't see them either so he would always be clueless when Chuuya points at the air. Chuuya was so touched that someone believed him for the first time that he cried his lungs out for the whole night. Now, back to Chuuya choosing not to be a hero and getting into troublesome matters with spirits, demons or even gods. That doesn't mean he doesn't emphasise with people.

That's why Chuuya rushed to the little girl across the road and shoved her out of the way as big, sharp teeth closed down on him. The little blond-haired girl was shocked as she immediately glanced behind her, seeing a few locks of ginger hair before it disappeared from her line of sight. A raven-haired male came rushing towards her as both looked shocked before the man carried the blonde-haired girl away quickly. Chuuya, on the other hand, landed with a thud as he rubbed his head painfully. Sighing, he glanced around only for his eyes to widen, he looked around his new surroundings and was ready to scream his lungs out anytime. Tall and dense trees surrounded him from every angle, little sunlight was seen. Soft and lush green grass came into contact with his skin as Chuuya mentally cursed himself for saving the girl and getting himself into trouble instead. To replace the sunlight, tiny balls of light danced happily around Chuuya. Some were blue, yellow and green. Supporting himself, the ginge stood up as he sighed and randomly chose a way to walk and hoped that he could leave this forest as soon as possible before Oda called the Yokohama's police force and launch a 'missing person' poster to find Chuuya. The ginger wandered aimlessly around before he realised that the number of blue balls of lights increased and at the end, he decided to follow the balls of light instead. The plastic bag, where the soya sauce was in, was still in Chuuya's hand as he continued walking. Honestly, Chuuya liked this forest, it was silent and there were no creatures or 'things' around. After a few more minutes of walking, Chuuya managed a glimpse of a wooden object and that's when he heard the sound of a bell. Walking quickly to where the sound was heard from, a temple was in sight. Made from wood and probably carved out by skilled craftsmen, the temple stood proudly in the middle of the forest, trees surrounding it. The small blue balls of light delicately dancing around it as if they were worshipping the temple. A wind chime hung in front the roof of the temple, ringing away as a gentle gust of wind made the chime in the bowl shaped ulterior. On closer inspection, it had a few delicate strokes of red, orange and white on the fragile glass, resembling fishes. Bottles of wine and a pair of oranges laying silently on the ledge of the temple where the opening was. "So there are other people here?" The ginger mumbled silently to himself as he tried peeking into the temple and saw a black nails at the back of the temple. Curiosity got the better of him so Chuuya walked warily to the back of the temple. Sure enough, there was a similar colour handle attached to the back of the temple. Wrapping his fingers around the cold metal, Chuuya pulled the handle and was slightly surprised that the door opened rather easily. The inside of the temple was quiet and gave a calm atmosphere. It smelled like the sun, according to Chuuya. The temple was big enough for Chuuya to explore inside so the ginge slowly welcomed himself inside, mumbling a 'sorry for intruding' before entering fully. Walking around the temple, Chuuya observed that there were many seal stickers with unrecognisable bright red symbols on all of them. Candles were lit at all four corners of the room. Not to break the soya sauce, Chuuya left it near the door. Little did the naive ginger know that he had just walked into a house of a god. It took Chuuya a while but he felt as if something was staring or should he say, glaring at him from behind. Turning swiftly behind, Chuuyas sighed in relief as he saw nothing. That was when he felt a cold hand grab his wrist.

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