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It wasn't long until the sun had set, the sky painted dark blue and decorated with stars. The ginger took a deep breath as he sat on his bed, he was supposed to sleep but he couldn't. The worst part was that Oda didn't even know what he was doing. The red-haired did ask about Dazai not being by Chuuya's side so the ginger just made an excuse that the god was still sleeping and was grateful that Oda thought gods sleep the whole day. The fact that Dazai didn't speak to him often today. He was utterly quiet. Chuuya did call out to him and received a hum or a 'yes' from the god which meant that he was still there and the ginger would always sigh in relief that he wasn't alone. Chuuya prided himself that he is brave and never backed down on a challenge but now he was doubting himself. He didn't have the courage to go into the darkness of his 'nightmare' all alone. No weapons and no light, there was nothing to help aid Chuuya if there was a possible fight. 

Trying his best to fall asleep was futile since Chuuya's brain had a million thoughts in it. His brain couldn't handle it and therefore resulted in him staying awake. Sighing, he was startled when the brunette's voice pierced through his silent dark room. "Chuuya...why aren't you sleeping?" The ginger gritted his teeth, "Like it's that easy, I'm literally going to meet a god in my brain!" He heard Dazai sigh before encouraging, "You shouldn't worry. I'll be with you so you'll be safe." Chuuya was still hesitant and Dazai noticed that and changed his way of assuring Chuuya. "I'll ensure your safety and protect you. Just sleep." That did just the trick and the ginger felt relieved as Dazai stretched as he continued walking around in the endless 'halls' inside Chuuya's head. He hadn't found anything and was on the verge of sleeping. Strange enough, Dazai was anticipating memories in the ginger's head but there were none so he was bored. Bored was an understatement actually. As long as Chuuya sleeps, he would be transported to the dream and would be able to meet Chuuya and end his boredom streak.

The ginger shifted in his bed, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Right to left to flat, nothing made him feel a bit less tense. He knew he was going to have dark eye circles the next day. He would probably use concealer to hide it from Oda before he had the red-haired male chasing him to sleep earlier and getting worried about him.

Slowly and uncomfortably, Chuuya fell to sleep. He was expecting that he would be surrounded by the same dark abyss with maybe Dazai standing beside him. However, he was not expecting to see Dazai's tired face first thing when he opened his eyes. Mistaking that brunette as someone else, Chuuya gave a tight punch to the brunette's face which resulted in Dazai clutching his face and stumbling backwards as he fell to his bottom, still holding on to his face in pain. He pouted, "Chuuya! Why did you do that for?" His voice wasn't angry nor irritated, it was amused and teasing. The ginger, arms akimbo, huffed, "Because you had to stare at my face before I woke up. Am I that good-looking?" Chuuya smirked as Dazai froze. The next few seconds were silence until the brunette rolled his eyes and retorted, "I was observing how ugly you were Chibi. I've never seen someone so ugly before."

The ginger clicked his tongue and also rolled his eyes as he gave a glare to the brunette who just chuckled. However, Dazai stopped laughing when Chuuya fell face-flat to the floor. "Fucking hands!" The ginger exclaimed as he glanced at his foot which was gripped by the same ugly and disgusting looking hands. Dazai was just staring before he burst out in laughter, clutching his stomach while laughing. Chuuya cursed at the god who wiped away a fake tear as his laughter stopped slowly. The ginger mentally counted down and grunted when the hands pulled him rather roughly. Upon seeing that, Dazai followed. Chuuya was grateful that the lanky god is following him but the thing that irked me was that the brunette looked like he was taking his own sweet time to follow Chuuya. The ginger sighed as he gave a middle finger to Dazai who smirked and started catching up.

The brunette seemed to catch up with Chuuya rather easily as he glanced at the ginger who was trying to keep his face off the floor. The brunette sighed at his attempt as he grab the ginger's shirt and pulled him up and the hands grip loosened on his leg and dropped the ginger on the hands. Chuuya blinked a thanks to Dazai and sat comfortably, relieved that his back won't be in contact with the solid hard floor again which made his back ache.

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