Someone like me

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Arriving back at home, it seems that the time in that mysterious forest is the same as Chuuya's world. "Your house seems pure." Dazai chimed in with Chuuya giving him a look of confusion. Noticing that, the god chuckled slightly, "It means there is no bad spirits haunting your house basically." The ginger sighed in relief at that as he opened the door with the spare key he had. Just as Chuuya expected, Oda came rushing towards Chuuya and pulled him in. "Where were you? You have been missing for a few hours!" Chuuya put up an apologetic smile while he explained, "Was running away from one of them." Oda sighed as he was about to ruffle Chuuya's head but was stopped by Oda wincing and stepping a few steps back while clutching his face. Chuuya, concerned as always, went to check on Oda only to see a red liquid splattered on his eyes. " eyes sting really bad."

Chuuya froze, "There's something red on your eyes." Oda lifted a brow, his eyes still shut close."I don't feel anything. I think only you can see it." That's when Chuuya looked behind him to see Dazai glaring at the red-haired in front of them both. "Dazai, did you do something?" The brunette shrugged, "I'm protecting you. He looked like he was going to hit you." Chuuya stood rooted there as he face palmed himself. Oda, who managed to squint, saw Chuuya talking to air and somehow it was perfectly normal to him. The ginger who noticed that Oda could open his eyes already, went and check his eyes and saw that it was stained slightly red. "What is the red liquid?" Chuuya asked with the god behind him replying, "Nothing special. It's just vampire blood which prevents the individual from seeing clearly for a while."

Chuuya, who was wide-eyed, stuttered, "V..vampire blood... What? And also, this man here you attacked is my dad. What the actual hell?" The brunette realized his mistake and chuckled awkwardly while blowing a bit of dust on Oda's eyes which the red-head winced at. "What did you put this time?" Chuuya stared at Dazai with suspicious eyes. "You'll thank me later, Chibi..." With that, Dazai just levitated behind Chuuya and observed as Oda blinked a few times as the red liquid slowly dispersed. Chuuya looked patiently as he sighed in relief to see Oda stand up by his own again.

What Chuuya didn't expect was Oda screaming as he pulled Chuuya towards him and stayed a few steps back. "Dad? Is everything okay?" Said Oda, pointed at Dazai who just smiled at him and exclaimed, "What's that who was behind you?" Chuuya's eyes widened, "You can see him?" Oda nodded, gripping Chuuya tighter. "That's a god. He's protecting me now?" Chuuya glanced at Dazai who came closer to them and commented, "We made a contract so I'm bound with him now!" Oda looked Dazai up and down, slowly letting go of Chuuya who walked towards Dazai and hit the god at the back of his head. "Don't do that next time!" The brunette chuckled slightly as Oda picked up the soya sauce and brought it to the kitchen to screamed again. Chuuya hastily made his way to the kitchen and saw Oda's pale face and pointing at the creature outside which looked like a snake but had horns. "That's just another one of them...Ignore it." The red-haired nodded slowly with Dazai stifling a laugh at the grown man looking at those 'things' for the first time. Oda now understood what Chuuya was facing and admired his own son's bravery and how he endured the mocking, teasing and pain when no one believed him. He must have been so scared, all alone. Until now, there's finally someone who understands him and can see the things he can see. To add to that list, it's someone who he's closest to.

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