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"Must be good to have a protective god with you..." A soft and gentle husky voice made Chuuya's eyes flutter open. The ginger immediately sat up and his eyes widened when he was surrounded by blackness as he lifted his hand in disgust as he noticed that the floor was wet. Standing up slowly, the same voice called out again, "Must be good to have such a caring guardian..." Chuuya glanced around only to see that he was all alone by himself. Footsteps were heard as he turned to his right only just to see the same blackness which greeted him at first. The water ripples as if someone was right beside him. The ginger shivered slightly as he felt a gust of bone-chilling wind pass him as his hair swayed. Chuuya lifted a brow and softly called out, "Dazai...?" He heard nothing in return. No reply, no jokes and no teasing like usual from the non-existent brunette. Cold sweat trickled down Chuuya's forehead as he took wary steps to no direction in particular. "Must be good to be a hero to that little blonde girl..." Chuuya glanced upwards and recalled when she pushed the blonde-haired girl away so she wouldn't get eaten by that monster. The girl probably saw nothing. "Is anyone there?" Chuuya called out, hoping for an answer back. However, he was met with silence once again. Feeling slightly frustrated, he called out once again, "Oi! Show yourself whoever you are!" He was met with a reply this time but a very unsettling one, "Do you think you're safe just because you have that god by your side?" Chuckling was heard, "You are deeply mistaken. The ginger narrowed his eyes as the voice rang in his head this time, "That pathetic god isn't here to protect you now, is he?" The ginger turned around as he heard footsteps. Nothing. Biting his lower lip, he tried blocking out the voices which made him fear where he was now. He wasn't alone. He just wasn't. That's when Chuuya felt something tug at his foot. He slowly looked down to see multiple hands grabbing onto each other and one grabbing onto his leg. The ginger cursed as he tried pulling his leg away but to no avail as the multiple pale and greyish hands pulled him which made Chuuya stumble and fall to the wet floor with a thud. When the ginger tugged at his foot, the hands didn't let go but pulled him further front. Chuuya looked forward to seeing the many hands on top of one another, stretching into the darkness. What scared him the most was that he didn't know what was in the darkness waiting for him so he started panicking. That's when the hands grip on his leg became tighter. Chuuya winced as he saw his blue pants stain red as blood flowed to the water. In a blink of an eye, the water turned pure red. Chuuya lifted his hands in shock as he felt another tight tug from the hands. He yelped when the hands pulled him into the darkness, fast. His eyes clamped close to await whatever pain but it never came.

"Wake up!"


"Chuuya! Wake up!"

The ginger's eyes snapped open and his room ceiling greeted him as Chuuya immediately sat up and was met with the brunette god looking worriedly at him. He sighed in relief. "Just a dream....it's just a dream..." He muttered to himself with Dazai looking at the ginger and he lifted a brow. "Did you have a bad dream or something?" Tilting his head to the side, confused, Dazai waited for an answer. Chuuya looked at the brunette staring at him. He was about to nod and agree but he recalled that voice.

"Do you think you're safe just because you have that god by your side?"

Chuuya sighed and shook his head. "Nope! Let's get breakfast." Dazai looked suspiciously at Chuuya before observing Chuuya. When Chuuya left the room, Dazai mumbled to himself, "He's lying..." From how Chuuya woke up and how he glanced at his feet and the hesitation, Dazai knew Chuuya was lying. He floated behind Chuuya happily as he threw his arms around Chuuya's neck while humming his happy tune. Chuuya sighed, tired as he continued walking down the stairs while rubbing his eyes.

Oda, who heard Dazai's faint yelling, glanced at Chuuya who came down the stairs and frowned. "Everything alright, buddy?" Chuuya nodded while yawning. Dazai floated to Oda to see what he was cooking as Chuuya took his seat at the table. "He's lying right?" Oda whispered at Dazai who nodded silently. "Anything happen last night?" Dazai shrugged and replied, "He woke up scared. Bad dream i guess..." Oda frowned again as he placed three plates of egg and bacon on the dining table, one in front of Chuuya who looked like he was going to pass out any minute. The red-haired concern plastered all over his face, pat Chuuya on the back gently which made the ginger flinch slightly and put up a small smile before eating. Oda glanced over at Dazai who was enjoying his first meal out of the temple and then glanced back at the ginger who was pale and had dark eye ring circles on his eyes. He sat down slowly in the middle and observed as the ginger poke his food with his fork and sighed. It took two times of hearing his name, then Chuuya reacted and glanced at Oda. His mind had drifted to the dream. Oda picked the plate up and made Chuuya stand up and supported him up the stairs. Dazai picked his plate up and floated behind them, still eating his food, relishing every bite. Placing the plate by the night stand, Oda forced Chuuya to sit down and suggested, "After you eat, you rest, got it?" Chuuya was about to say something but stopped after seeing Oda's determined look, he nodded as Dazai sat next to him on the bed. "Dazai, help me look after him. Also, there's more food at the dining table." The brunette just hummed as Oda left the room, leaving the door open.

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