Chapter 15: Dadi Sa In Action!

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But not anymore. She had made a mistake all those years ago by not taking the matters in her hands and letting her daughter-in-law to look into his grandson's life. This time she wasn't going to let anyone get in Sanskriti and Arunaditya's path of happy life. Even if it meant to force them to go through tones of torture. She knew at the end, it will be worth everything. Their happiness would be worth all the hatred she's going to get by the two souls. But it was all, the matter of time.

As the members gathered in the dining hall for the breakfast, they knew it was going to be one hell of a day. Vedansh, luckily, had already left for school early in the morning.

Ritika Devi knew she had to do it now. Taking a deep breathe, she cleared her throat to catch everybody's attention. Each of them put their forks down to pay attention to the boss lady.

"Sanskriti, I want you ask you something personal. Will you answer me, Laado?" She initiated. Her monotonous tone was scarry. The hall of people sucked in their breathe to listen what she wanted to say and predict where all of this was going.

Sanskriti's eyebrows furrowed at Dadi Sa's sudden request. She nodded her head in positive, hesitantly.

"Back in Java, did you have any relationships?" She asked her.

Arunaditya could now guess her next steps. His face paled as his eyes widened.

"A few, yes. All of them being casual, might I add." She responded honestly.

"What is your definition of casual relationship?" She tested the waters. She could only pray none of her questions triggered Sanskriti to do her worse.

"A romantic relationship, minus love. Both the parties must be well aware about the uncertainty of their relationship and their entire point of coming together would be giving their mutual infatuation a chance. That's my version of casual relationship." She presented her view point.

"Are you currently in any kind off relationship?" Came her next question.

"No. I ended my last relationship about 2 years ago." Sanskriti replied, reminiscing how she got drunk and cried about Arunaditya infront of her the then boyfriend and later rejected his marriage proposal. His male ego couldn't handle the humiliation of Sanskriti's rejection and tried to create a ruckus in the media. Her PR manager advised her to avoid flings.

"Would you mind if I arrange an appropriate groom for you?" Ritika Devi asked making Sanskriti choke on air.

"I-I am not ready to get married yet." She managed to mumble out.

"You're almost 30, Sanskriti. As your Dadi Sa, it's my responsibility to see you happy with your own family too." She announced.

"But Dad-"

"This is the first time I am asking you to do something for me. Answer me in yes or no, will you get married to the guy I arrange you with? Do you trust me enough to give me the rights to find you someone compatible? Or do you want your family to do that for you, in the future?" She feigned being hurt at the last question.

"What do you mean by my family, Dadi Sa? You're my family. You along with Dadu and Kaka Sa are my family." Sanskriti came into defence. "You very well know Chauhans don't matter to me. We might be connected via blood but I absolutely despise them by my heart and soul. How could you question my relations with this family?" Sanskriti meant what she said. It was clearly evident in her eyes.

"You didn't find it important to inform this family when you abruptly left. Did you?" Kaki Sa asked. It was first time in years, she willingly questioned Sanskriti.

"It wasn't like we wouldn't have supported you. Even a few months before you going to Java, when you decided to depart for Rome, I supported you if not anyone else. I made sure you reached Rome safely because I knew your reasons to elope." She looked dead into Sanskriti's eyes, making her duck her head down in shame.

"You absolutely didn't find it important to let me or anyone know about why, how and when to go to Java. You didn't even give a damn about how worried we might be for your freaking safety!" Her voice reached a level high as she panted.

Even though she pretended to not like Sanskriti, she cared for her. After Arunaditya and her children's departure, it was Sanskriti who kept the entire palace happy with her innocent pranks and giggles.

She never objected on her being rebellious towards the royal traditions and rules, because she could relate to the mental pressure and absurdity it brings along. However, she wasn't ready to support her being short-temper and taking steps when the cuts were still fresh.

"I couldn't share the problems with anyone among the two families, Kaki Sa. I didn't want to ruin the happy vibes surrounding everyone." She muttered lowly.

Arunaditya clenched his eyes tight at her response. It was all his mistake. Atleast that's what he believed. Only if he had acted on impulse and pushed Meera then and there rather than pondering over her actions, everything would have been fine.

The Queen scoffed at the young woman's response, not having an idea what her problems were. According to her, there could no problem that couldn't have been solved by consultation and sacrifices.

Ritika Devi cleared her throat, demanding silence this time. She knew digging graves from the past would yield no solutions. Mending the present for brighter future is what matters.

"I didn't get an answer to my question, Sanskriti." Dadi Sa reminded her again. Not wanting to let the Rathores feel like they weren't important to her, she decided to agree. More than anything, she wanted to see what reaction would Arunaditya give at her confirmation. Though she pretended to not care about his opinion.

"You may do as you wish, Dadi Sa." She whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear. She needed to move on now. She knew casuals could never help her move on. Maybe a permanent bond of marriage is what she needs. Moreover, arranged marriages were common in India. People do fall in love during the student period, some continue their lives with their loved ones while others just learn to move on. If others could, she could too.

"Very well then, Rani Sa, congratulations. You're going to be a mother-in-law again."


Sorry, I am late.

I had my farewell today and due to some mishaps I couldn't attend the party. I was just sulking the entire day and actually forgot to post a draft. Hoping to see some comments.

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