Bring On The Gifts

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"Surprise," yelled Eugenie, standing behind Charlie. "Merry, Christmas Eve," she shouted as she hugged Charlie from behind. Standing there in front of Charlie was Tess and Oliver. "There's your other Christmas present," she pointed at Tess. Charlie couldn't keep her eyes off of what she was seeing, the two guys, Oliver and Tess as her sister yapped about behind her. "I invited Tess over and that's your other Christmas present. Now get out of my way," she shoved Charlie aside and garbed Oliver inside.

Lesley was quite just watching the whole thing as it went down. She couldn't believe how Eugenie's hair seemed to stay in place with her hairband as Eugenie bounced and yapped around all over the place until she disappeared into the crowd with Oliver. 

"Merry Christmas Eve Tess and welcome," Charlie finally managed to say. Tess walked in and Charlie closed the door behind him. Charlie couldn't help but excitedly introduce him to her best friend right away and with that, Lesley made an excuse that she was late going home and left the two at the front of the house.

Tess hadn't said a word. He just kept his eyes on Charlie the whole time. Charlie then noticed Tess was holding something behind him. "What's that behind you," Charlie asked cheerfully.


Before he answered her, he thanked her first. "Thank you for welcoming me and thank you for introducing me to your best friend," then he added, "I've never seen you with your makeup on before and you did it well this evening. Makes you look...stunning," he spoke in a low and seductive voice. Then he revealed what he was holding behind him. 

"Beautiful bouquet of poinsettias for me," Charlie asked while accepting her gift with perfectly manicured hands. Looking down at the bouquet of red poinsettias in her hands made her breathless. "Poinsettias instead of roses. Oh how very thoughtful. You didn't have to," she told him. 

"No, I had to," replied Tess. "It's Christmas Eve and I knew I was going to see you today. I couldn't come empty handed."

"You knew you where going to see me? Why didn't you tell me," she asked while still having her nose in the poinsettias.

With a sly smile he replied, "it was a surprise; so, I wasn't suppose to tell you."

"Thank you," Charlie said breathlessly. "Your welcome to put your coat away in the coat closet behind you."

Tess was looking jocky as ever wearing his team's rugby jersey. She watched as he took off his red and white jersey and hanged it in the coat closet revealing his masculine chest over his red shirt he had on. He removed his winter boots then turned to Charlie to find she was still smelling the poinsettias in her hands. She continued smelling the poinsettias as she looked into Tess's sexy, deep blue eyes.

By this time Charlie was on cloud nine. She wasn't sure what was making her lose control, whether it was his cologne, his eyes or his very, alluring voice. Our maybe his gestures? Either way, she knew very well she was being turned on.  

"I have a vase up in my room I can go put them in. Wait for me here as I put these away. Oh and I have something to give you I think you'll like. I'll be right back." But then, she felt sad at the thought of leaving Tess there alone. He didn't know anyone there and she didn't want to leave him alone. So Charlie changed her mind, "maybe it's better if you follow me so you won't be alone." As she turned around to guide Tess up the stairs, she thought to herself, "we're only going to be up here for a moment. It won't take long. We'll come right down and I'll show Tess the foods. We'll eat and chat, then he'll leave to go home," Charlie smiled to herself with that idea. 

They approached her bedroom. She opened the white bedroom door and they entered in. The first two things Tess noticed other than the sign that was hanging from her door was the soft background Christmas music playing in Charlie's room and how peaceful it felt being up there. "Ah, it's so much quieter here," Tess sighted. 

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