Tess's Gift

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There was a few people remaining when Tess and Charlie got back downstairs. Looking at Tess with a now cleaned up face and a bottle of red wine in his hands, Charlie remembered that Tess hadn't eaten. So she took him to the dining table and they found some hot steaming foods that was still left for them to eat. After eating together, Tess had to leave. He kissed Charlie goodbye.

Right away, Charlie headed back to her room to prepare herself for bed. Once in bed, she found she couldn't sleep. She looked at her iPhone to see if Tess had reached home safely. She found no text. She laid there in her bed listening to the soft Christmas music that was still playing. She remembered her Christmas gift to Tess, will, one of her Christmas gifts she gave him. "A bottle of red wine," she thought to herself. "I didn't even wrap it not knowing that he was going to come. Otherwise, I would've totally given him something else. I hope he will enjoy his wine though. I hope he thinks of me every time he sees the wine." Then she began to wonder, what could Tess have brought her for her gift. It was rectangular box wrapped in a gold wrap. It was midsized, not big and not small. "So, what could it be," she wondered to herself. For some reason she wasn't able to think of anything.

Just then she got a text form Tess reading, "I'm home now. What are you doing?"


She pulled her pillow against the bed board to hoist herself up against it. She texted, "laying in bed." 


"Yes. There's nothing 4 me2 do downstairs." 

"I'm missing your voice darling. Let me prepare myself for bed and if your still awake, we'll talk on the phone." 

"How was ur drive back home," Charlie continued to text. Tess didn't reply. Charlie sighted. "Could I really get some sleep now," Charlie thought to herself. Maybe she could watch some television or another Christmas movie perhaps. Charlie was in the middle of thinking which movie she could turn on in her room when her iPhone started ringing. She saw it was Tess calling. She answered it, " hi Tess!" 

"Hi Charlie. OK, I'm prepared for bed now and I'm safely and comfortably in my bed." 

"How was your drive back home," Charlie wanted to know. 

"Not too bad, but I started to miss you while I was driving back." 

"I had already started missing you the moment you left," Charlie said through the phone and they both laughed. 

"I'm so glad to hear you laugh." 

"Okay. Enough about me. I want to hear about my present. Give me a hint of what it is, I can't stop thinking about it." 

"OK, here's a hint for you," Tess agreed. "It's going to be something you'll love. That's it. That's your hint." Tess thought to himself nervously, "I hope she'll love it." 

"Not love it more than what you did to me tonight." 

"You'll tell me tomorrow which one you love more. I'm getting sleepy my love and I don't think I can hold my eyelids open any longer." 

Charlie looked at the time. It was nearly midnight. "Yes. It's getting late. We should get some sleep. I want to wake up refreshed in the morning and enjoy opening my presents with my family. I'll enjoy my presents better with a refreshed mind." 

"Goodnight my love and sweet dreams." It was so lovely for Charlie to hear him call her "my love".  It was just a lovely way to end the night.

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