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I watched as Renjun's face fell, he was devastated. Kun held him up as his knees began to give out. I couldn't read his expression, was he sad about it? He didn't react the way most people react about their parents. 

A mother is supposed to be a child's entire world, she is supposed to protect them. Perhaps we really were alike. Renjun gives me a nod followed by a kiss on the cheek. 

"I have to go but let's take a rain check," he says leaving with Kun and Taeyong leaving me with Jeno and Mark. We give them a glance of worry and concern. "Do you think he's gonna be fine?" Jeno asks as he takes my bag from me. Mark and I both shrug, "I get that his mom abandoned him, but at the end of the day she's always going to be his mom" he begins. He was right, Renjun acted like her death didn't have an affect on him. 

"Even if your mom isn't perfect, you'll always love her" I softly say reflecting back on my own life. 

Love was the reason I found it so hard to break free from my own mother. She raised me without love, but at the same time I was fortunate to always have a meal in front of me, I went to a good school, I always had clean clothes and money was never a problem. 

She gave me a stress free life, and for that I love her. I took out my phone, "Y/n you okay?" Hendery says on the other line. I was done crying, done running, done being afraid of her. "Fang Chu Hua I don't care if i'm not ready. I need to bring her down" the other side of the line went quiet. It worried me that he wasn't going to be on board with this crazy battle. 

"Okay, What were you thinking?" I smiled to myself on the phone. "I don't want anyone involved just you and me against her"  I heard him chuckle, "of course after all we finish the battle my mom lost" 

I was interrupted by Jeno and Mark, "y/n are you even listening to us?" I glance at my phone. "I gotta go" I tell him hanging up and focusing my attention to Mark who was beginning to look annoyed with me. 

"what did you say?" Mark laughs as Jeno tries to explain what he was trying to tell me earlier. He takes out a folded picture, "this is very precious to Renjun" he says giving me the picture. The picture was of him as a child, he looked happy with his two parents there. His parents also clearly looked happy. 

All before our fates were messed up, before that lady ruined our lives.  "Look I don't know what you told Hendery," Jeno looks into my eyes, there was a fire burning inside of him. Renjun was really loved by a lot of people despite him not wanting to admit it. "But if it involves you and him going to Fang Chu Hua," Mark continues with a more determined tone. "Me and Jeno are coming with you, and you can't say no," Mark says grabbing my arm pulling me into his embrace. 

If Renjun was here he'd probably kill him right around now. He pulls away from me with a shy smile. "I'm sorry I just wanted to hug someone" he says making me and Jeno laugh. Everyone was right Mark was always going to be awkward no matter what. 


Hendery looked at Jeno and Mark and then back at me. He was puzzled by their sudden arrival. I walked up to him and touched his shoulder, "they wouldn't let me leave" I whispered glancing to the two of them who were on their phones doing who knows what. 

He had a sour look on his face, meaning he didn't like this one bit. "but they don't even know what's coming" he whispers pulling me closer so only I could hear. "Mark gets lost easily and Jeno freaks out," he says. Given how young they were it made sense why he'd be scared for them. 

After a while on whether or not they should come he finally came to a conclusion. "they come but only if they listen to everything I say" he tells the two boys who didn't seem happy by that. "dude, don't you think you are being too much?" Mark tries to argue with him only to be shut down. "Mark have you ever been to china?" he asks the boy. 

Mark hesitates at first and wanted to face off against him but stops himself. "fine i'll listen to you no matter what" he says clearly unhappy with it. "If you get lost i'm just leaving you there" Hendery says as we begin to walk inside the airport. 

The first problem was getting last minute flights to shanghai something that was going to be hard. "Okay me and Jeno are going to find some tickets, you two stay here" he says leaving me and Mark alone. 

It was pretty late at night so there wasn't that many people waiting in the airports. "Did you and Hendery" he stops midway unsure of how he wanted to word it I knew what he was trying to ask me rightaway. "I mean did you ever see him as more than a friend" I glanced up at my handsome and dependable childhood friend. 

"in highschool I had a crush on him, but then I realized that if we ever broke up he won't be in my life anymore" I tell him the truth. Mark seemed surprised by my answer. "believe me I don't like him anymore-" he cut me off. 

"Do you even like Renjun? from where I see it you only see the little boy who was trapped with you" I stared down in complete shock to what I was hearing. "I don't mean to disrespect you, but it seems like you are using him as an excuse to break free from your mother" 

He was telling the truth. 


So sorry for the wait, I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue this book 

but thank you for reading

puzzle piece | Renjun NCTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora